Monday, February 18, 2008


I had two moms in today worried about feeding their kids the right stuff and how difficult it is to be so different. Schoolmates don't understand, friends don't support it and worst of all family members scoff and criticize. It's really challenging to want to buck the system that so many suffer under. Kids can't fight off viruses, they can't focus or sit still, some can't comprehend. Drugs are offered, labels are thrown out, self esteem is compromised and a spiral into other issues can begin.
Not to mention weight, skin and energy problems. I just want to say that if you will take seriously the care and feeding of these beautiful kids, their lives will develop into healthy, happy lives. My family thought I needed an intervention to stop my crazy changes when I began to embrace a different way, but now years later I look at my healthy, happy, beautiful, brilliant girls and don't regret a moment of that time of change. Please support one another in this noble endeavor, parenting responsibly with care and study and specific good choices based on the very unique needs of your individual children promises a lifetime of good health!!

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