Friday, February 15, 2008

Autism: There IS Hope

I received an email from an old old friend with a video of a beautiful autistic little girl, it was a plea for help, as the current system of education and medicine does not have any way to address or assist these children on any level. I emailed back to them that autism is not a curse or a bafflement, it is a demand from genetically advanced people, with a higher and lighter energy system for a mass awareness and clearance of our toxic thoughts, words and lives. Pretty harsh, huh? Well, if you would see what I do every day with the breakdown of the body from diet, electro-magnetic fields, drugs, radiation, and just plain bad attitude or high stress, you'd be autistic too. I became mercury toxic in the 5th grade from one amalgam filling and lost the ability to sleep for one whole year and NO one knew why. I became heavy metal toxic again in my early thirties from the lead in making stained glass windows and experienced the same symptoms. Under the care of MD'S and drugs, my condition turned into a horrible physical problem called intersistial cystitis that almost shut me down for two years. I have a higher lighter energy system then some and traditional treatments and drugs only made me sicker and crazier. The holistic approach became my only and final option and it not only worked, but gave me a purpose!! I have watched these kids come here to detox, horseback ride, learn a new diet and swim. They want to be here and they begin to communicate. I have watched a child and horse talk more clearly and lovingly with out words more often then I see real healthy people do intentionally. Don't quit or give up, find a visionary who can help with the big picture. These kids are here for a reason, open your mind to more, open your heart to see what your intellect has blocked. They will change this world for the better and it will become a turning point for humans. Thanks for listening!! Remember they are angels, fairies and lightworkers who come to help. Make their life a welcoming experience!! I love you all and challenges make us stronger. Dr. Su

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