Monday, March 13, 2017

Walking in TWO worlds at the same time

The WOLF totem, the watcher, the waiter, the swift, the silent, the cleaner, the ability to walk in two worlds at the same time. They have many gifts and abilities used to maintain balance in this ecosystem. We have lost our sight/site of how this ecosystem, home of the wolf, works in harmony to nourish and support human life here and all it requires. It is a daunting task to restore it to it's balance. Many fear the wild, the untamed. Yet we were once able to understand and support it and somehow knew it supported US. We could freely ride those waves of energy and power like a surfer on a giant wave. Now being knocked up, knocked down and even knocked out, seems to be a more common situation. Pain, and loss, and the fear that drives it deep into the human, are front line issues for many. When I am here, I am present and accounting for my time and energy as a mom, a Naturopath, a traveler and a rancher. THEN... sometimes I just leave, in meditation, in sleep/dream time, and in situations where my HAWK needs to take wing and get a higher view of the what's going on here. I walk in two worlds, do you? Please know that is an option. The universe is a big place, the support for human healing and recovery of this Earth are on the agenda, and you too, can connect to that other world and feel the love, hope and faith they have in US, and you can bring that here/hear and share it. Let us know if you need our help, we have lots to offer. Namaste' Dr. Su.

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