Thursday, May 2, 2024

Third eye high

Make the triangle with yur hands by touching the thumbs and fore fingers. The design of the triangle is divine. Hold it over anything in need of transformation, focus your three eyes of the target, then allow love, light and laughter to embue it. Align it with your purpose, then APPRECIATE the growth your ability and willingness it supports and promotes. Ready or not, it will come to you as you perceive it to be. FOCUS! Have fun, this is a very cool tool. Your three eyes, especially the buried third eye will begin to vibrate and resonate with your soul purpose. Aura reading made simple! Use your intuition to SEE and DREAM our new earth. Third eye high!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


One of the BEACONS a human has. A true sign of life, or laughter, or unity and balance. Welcoming. I believe that those smiles are mismanaged by an established entity. Your teeth are YOUR computer chips. Learning to take that seriously will impact every single aspect of your body's functions. Poison in mercury and flouride will destroy a child in one hit. When I was 10 my world was turned into a year of sleeplessness by one mercury amalgam filling in my tooth. Stressful for a child and anyone close to me. Then my health changed and I broke my bones. This caused the time out my needed to try to restore itself. Knowledge of that process came with time, so I call out now from a place of seeing and experiencing that loss of my smile. The joy of my girlish laughter and the health of that body was changed, I was robbed by an entity that knew that mercury would take my energy away. Learn how it works, kids and teeth, that growth process, healthy and organic and watched over by an honest mercury free practitioner. It will result in such a balance of health, life and that gorgeous smile! Welcome to the age of truth. I smile as I deliver that truth now. It has changed many, and hopefully many more! SMILE everyone, the world needs to see you!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Move the MUSIC sometimes you gotta call for help!

We are vibrational. The Angel Galgaliel is in charge. A constant need in my life since I was a child following the vibe. It settles my soul with that music and that magic. My friend died and his music came through his Grand Piano. I insisted he play it every single time I was at his home. I see auras and his was extra ordinary when he channeled his gift. Now it is in my home! Kids need animals, healthy whole foods, clean sheets and warm blankets. Lots of love and laughter and KIDS NEED MUSIC and ART! They explore with sound and color, the lights of their eyes change with the rhythm and the blues too. Those children will now have Todd's Piano to explore that maical vibration. Thank you sir, first class as usual! It will be loved!

Friday, April 26, 2024

I am a well care doctor

I am not a sick care, bloody stump, stitches kind of caregiver. I teach the wellness and wholeness techniques that saved my life nearly 40 years ago. At first symptoms I aligned with medical people because that was my work anyway. They simply made it worse. In two areas particularly. First I do not match with drug use, that was their method. Secondly, the bleak nature of my future and the long road to death they predicted was nonsense to me. I had so much fire, so much to live for, and I refused to give up what little time, money and hope I had left. Nature and her bounty came to the rescue, Source and my Guardian Angel Annie saw to it. I began to listen, learn and apply the things that made my heart sing, my eyes smile and my feet dance the jig. Next when I was well, I conitnued to share the story and the gift that healing had shared with me. ON THAT NOTE - YOU are worth it, all of you! Find the song, the laughter, the friendship, the gift is yours and the Universe is waiting for you to open it!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Clear out the PARASITES today!

April Scorpio Full Moon, parasites within the body want to awaken in the spring, in the warmth and light. Rashes, quick tempers, pain beyond belief from the venom, insomnia, twitching, OCD, flight or flight, symptoms are evident. I have taught that spring and fall worming of animals and humans promotes balance, healing and harmony. Ask your vet, your doc, and ask yourself. DO I HAVE these issues and are the bigger on the moon days than normally. Flush them out! Your biological terrain will thank you, and the garden of you and those you love, will once again grow well. The picking, the itching, the twitching will quiet. As a child my mother wormed us, since then I worm everyone too. Spring and fall, no exceptions ever. Ask around, it is critical to your well-being. Nature supports it, as she responds seasonally. Learn the cycles. Control your health, and the health of all you love. Take care of your kids, your critters, and most importantly - YOUR SELF!

Monday, April 22, 2024


We do this every day. Do we make the decision based on want, need, or because everyone else is doing that. I quit doing what other's do as a child. It looked like there were other choices that were better for me. I have always chosen outside instead of inside, day instead of night, organic single ingredient non-gmo food, animals, and KIDS!! I also chose ANGELS, ALIENS and ANCESTORS. I live where I love and I love where I live, it is SACRED SPACE. I LOGGED IN TO THIS PLACE. I even built a log home to match my hope and dreams. What are you logging in to today. Be specific! Your choice your life your outcome. Log on!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Re-opening the ability to make choices HAWK'S RIDGE RANCH REOPENS HER DOORS TO THE CHILDREN

Do it now. Decide what another choice might offer. Health, happiness, horses???? Light, love, laughter??? Listening to your own heart, your own words spoken back to you, instead of the programming offered all day and night through the airwaves. Go into the water, IT is quieter there. Dive deep. When you come up for AIR, make a new choice. This is your time, your turn, you are being watched, and guided, just ask for a sign. MINE - Sagittarius SUN AND MOON, with LIBRA rising, a good choice for a FIRE ROOSTER! A Centaur with the arrows of fire. Targeting the choices with accuracy and acceptance, and making allowances for change. Now what do I want to crow about?????? Stay tuned.