Thursday, November 16, 2023

time is now, no more waiting or wanting or allowing others to do your job. YOU ARE IT or UP, OR YOU ARE OUT!

If one waits long enough someone else will show up and take care of things. Doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs, teachers, parents and anyone else in that BAD HABIT of over extending themselves are now done with that. It shows itself in choices of hoarding, procrastinating and entitlement. Taking more than your fair cshare. Hand outs! Excuses for non- participation are every where/wear. If you are late you will not be reinvited. I can see it in an aura. Lack of energy, low self-worth and no concern for others is all around us. I hear the squawks of those in MASKS bitching about those with out MASKS. Fear biters. Learn that the time to take care of business is now. Your health, your finances, your social circle, your agreements and commitments, all require your direct involvment. If you do not know what that looks like, ASK!!! Take notes, keep track of the progress and be grateful for the opportunity. We from the star nations, who are in service to this time in the Universe, are not in service to humans. WE ARE IN SERVICE to the SOURCE! Cosmic connection is going to happen with those willingly participating and doing their share! Look around and see and feel and think. Do you leave it better than you found it??? SHUT OFF and SHUT UP for a moment of reconnection. You are at the APEX of change. GET it??????? TIME IS NOW! not tommorow, it will be too late. The Universe is watching you.

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