Thursday, November 30, 2023

See and believe

Kids and dogs get feelings. Adults wait until they see it to believe it. Remember in the disclosure will come the FEELINGS! The INTUITION will take a hold again to those ready to receive. Stand in the light and breathe, air it out, let it come through. You are a receiver, the love and light and laughter that the Universe offers us is availble to those willing in this new age. Kids and dogs always wanted to KNOW! YOUR turn. Seeing and feeling are believing, SO if it does not feel right, back up and start over. Don't be fooled any more. YOU know what kids and dogs know. YOU just forgot for a moment.

Thursday, November 23, 2023


All relative, and for now, the moment is all there is, so who knows if the age matters. We are old, very very old. Our planet has seen many races, royals, and civilizations come and go. Rising for awhile and then some disappear - WHOOSH! Others stay and play, some fight, some farm. Then there the ones that dig, and build and etch, they spend eons of time just leaving their mark. In the age of NOW, what will your mark be? I am thankful that my mark is my family. It is the best job that takes the most effort, and it has no limits to what it becomes. From little Banks to my giant extended crew, they also will make their mark in this age. We are the ones we have been waiting for!
AND I AM SO grateful you are all here now!~! Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

time is now, no more waiting or wanting or allowing others to do your job. YOU ARE IT or UP, OR YOU ARE OUT!

If one waits long enough someone else will show up and take care of things. Doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs, teachers, parents and anyone else in that BAD HABIT of over extending themselves are now done with that. It shows itself in choices of hoarding, procrastinating and entitlement. Taking more than your fair cshare. Hand outs! Excuses for non- participation are every where/wear. If you are late you will not be reinvited. I can see it in an aura. Lack of energy, low self-worth and no concern for others is all around us. I hear the squawks of those in MASKS bitching about those with out MASKS. Fear biters. Learn that the time to take care of business is now. Your health, your finances, your social circle, your agreements and commitments, all require your direct involvment. If you do not know what that looks like, ASK!!! Take notes, keep track of the progress and be grateful for the opportunity. We from the star nations, who are in service to this time in the Universe, are not in service to humans. WE ARE IN SERVICE to the SOURCE! Cosmic connection is going to happen with those willingly participating and doing their share! Look around and see and feel and think. Do you leave it better than you found it??? SHUT OFF and SHUT UP for a moment of reconnection. You are at the APEX of change. GET it??????? TIME IS NOW! not tommorow, it will be too late. The Universe is watching you.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Your piece of peace

It is an inside job. Your peace that is. It can and soon will pass all human understanding. There is a state of energy that promotes peace, it starts in the heart field. You are there/their front and center in that space. In the heart of a human is a purpose. In the heart of a human is a FIRE! That fire radiates outward in all directions. The stronger the purpose the bigger the heart radiation. Peace is a choice that be radiated outward from the heart center into the field of existance. I find peace in nature, with people of like mind, and in the sunshine at the water with the wind blowing across the beach. WHERE/wear your peace is only you know and can share. FIND some peace, spread it around, agree to disagree, and even under stress, keep peace foremost in your reality and try to pay it forward. Namaste'