Saturday, April 29, 2023

Stress, the silent invader

I see it in my work everyday. Stress caused by loss, lack or just even less. It is a conception held by humans that is controlling in every way. It is simply a belief system. It creates a weight to heavy to carry. HOW DO we manage it? We do not, it manages us. YOU ARE fully capable of choosing a life and a light that keeps you honest and healthy and happy too. LOOK in the mirror. Do you see the one you came to be? I teach high energy meditation, and learning the skills to opt out of the world of less, lack or loss is one of the benefits. Keli is just finishing her work in this field and she says the skill is amazing and life enhancing. CHOOSE to be a part of the new earth, which for those ready to rock will be a happy world. YOU are totally in control now. No one has any power over you unless you choose them to. Happy Arbor DAY!!! Go plant a tree, I am. NO STRESS THERE!!

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