Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The new YOU!

Health, balance, wellness and the ability to navigate, this is in store now for all of those wanting to learn how. It involves a choice to be conscious and willing to do the work it takes. It takes time, patience, under standing and over lighting. When I see the world in chaos I also see beneath and above. Consciousness has many levels. In the 'un' much occurs that seems to not be understood. Then there is the 'sub', hints of history and choices, habits. Then the CONSCIOUSNESS of freewill and SO MANY choices to learn to make. OF course the superconscious is also over lighting the whole scheme. That is breath, meditation, prayer, connectedness, star power, and the like. Learning to navigate these rivers of energy is HUMAN. See yourself, then become the beauty you can imagine, healed, happy, in love and light, all the days of your life. It is time now.

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