Tuesday, June 28, 2022

What stops you from helping???

Lack! Lack of confidence, education, strength, love of someone that is more powerful than the love of your own self love with it's loght and it's dark sides. It is called unconditional love. It has the stength and endurance that you can only dream of. It has a power to create anything YOU can love into CREATION. Baby, baby, baby is one result. It is all there/their/they/re is, was or ever shall be. If you can work the power of love, you can be of service, and HELP. Our world suffers with lack, with limitations, with out the power of community based on love and the knowledge of the power it offers. Ask yourself, what do I love? How do I love? What I am afraid to love? It takes courage to love. It takes faith to love. It takes hope to love. It takes confidence that love has the awnswer and the power and the gift is FREE! It can not be bought or sold. NOW that helps to know that. You are welcome. I love you.

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