Thursday, January 20, 2022

How does your birthday work...???

It is the mark of human embodiment. With breath in, comes life to clay beings animated in utero by the mother ship. When you incarnate you bring star knowledge with you from the far corners of your existence. Thirty days before the anniversary of your birth you strip away all that no longer serves you. For some it hard chipping. For others they slip right out of that old skin, like a selkie dropping her skin suit on a rock before becoming a human for a moment. THEN the celebration marks the moment! After which the journey to the future begins again. Fresh steps for new year here are added in those next thirty days. Pay attention, it is growth on steroids, and it is free for those who know to ask for the knowledge they need to proceed. My Grandson Banks will be 2 on 2-20-2022, so it will be fun to watch him grow quickly in these 60 days of spurt. AND that is how your birthday works.

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