Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Return to innocence

I smoked my peace pipe yesterday.

I came with the belief that the unity of the pipe ceremony would bring the feelings of community back to the people.

I am right, we just forgot.

Now in Wisconsin where I was born this time and have lived most of this life, smoking is banned in most places. Interesting new rule.

The children who started smoking at a young age where really only seeking peace in their troubled lives. Ask them.

Smoke fills the space and tobacco is the herb of protection, ask any organic farmer. It will protect their other crops from infestations.

Who took away the power of tobacco? Who took away our feelings of being protected?
Why are cigarettes now toxic to the masses? What has been added to the simple gift of tobacco to create the nightmare of dis-ease?

If you are ready to return to innocence, begin to believe in nature and all she offers. She is our Mother and she loves people, all the people not just the select.
She has supported us in everyway with her gifts, food, water, herbs, and the like. Fear her not, fear only makes the darkness darker. Love makes the light brighter. You in your innocence are light, in your negativity you become dark and toxic and filled with fear, fear leads humans to more toxic choices to cover the fear of feeling alone here and unloved.

Let's smoke the pipe together and create the community of peace and protection we deserve. Know what you are doing and do it intentionally, love Nature and she will protect you and keep you safe for the whole of your life! Thank you Earth Mother, Dr. Su

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