Friday, January 30, 2009


It's been awhile since I have been able to blog to the world. Since I love this part of my life and my work I felt it was time to tell you where I've been.

I am in the middle of a very sad divorce. I have a great capacity to believe, and I put faith and energy into love and all it has to offer at full speed. I have a very difficult time admitting that I am failing and no matter how hard I pray, or meditate, or believe, I can not fix something so wrong and so broken. It was in Peru at the top of the mountain , as close to God's face that I have ever been, before I was far enough away to see the destruction I was in the middle of. Sometimes one has to move back to see more, to see clearer all that is effected by one's own choices. I apologize to all of you who have felt the effects of this relationship. The abuse and chronic dysfunction were awful and I'm sure many that I loved hated to see me in this mess.

I do though, as usual , celebrate the lessons learned and the underlying unconditional love received. My girls were awesome, loving me through each segment of learning with love and sometimes frustration. Thanks you guys!!! I also never lost touch with my heart and the dreams of Hawk's Ridge and the Clinic and the Horses. The Universe kept me safe and inspired in spite of my personal crap.

So now with pride and excitement and the celebration of a job complete I AM BACK!! If you are losing your life by being in an abusive or dying relationship - RUN!! Now is the time to love yourself and unleash your potential in the world forming under our very feet. It's a miracle. If I can help you in any way by my experience don't hesitate to speak up. I love you all and my life and my family and my soul purpose, so let's get it back on!! namaste' Dr. Su - no longer Wahl!

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