Saturday, April 22, 2017

The light of love and the love of light

I read about Tesla, he lived for light. He dreamed of light for everyone, free and available to the whole planet. Not an ownership deal, an everyone everywhere deal. Did he love light? Yes. Did light love him? I believe it! You came from light too. Into the clay you made humanness a way to try your light. Quite an effort really. Some hide their light, some try to extinguish their light, and some fire it up for everyone to see. Light and love are gifts. You, are a gift that came from light, to find light, to share light with the world. In being human, and finding our light, we can then see our path. My light shows me the way that is best for me. It also shows me all sorts of things to beware of. Today, Earth Day, light it up people! Get your lights on, and your smile bright, pitch in and share all you love with this planet of ours. She needs our light, our love and our community with one another and all of the Universe together in light. Thanks Mr. Tesla, you may be gone, but your light remains, and we are doing amazing things with it!! Happy Earth Day!Outside we go, loving the light of a sunny spring day.

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