Sunday, April 30, 2017

Planet Earth

I love being here, it is something very special. I have assisted with her restoration for a very long time. I hold a connection with her, rare and loving and support her in many ways. Some undetected and under the radar, some obvious. My horses hold her close, and she does the same in supporting them. It is a give and take, share and share alike love. When she feels loved and in harmony, she acts that way. Just like little kids do. Demonstrating energy as vivid and clear as you can imagine. When she is abused, disrespected, raped and destroyed, she bucks and throws her head around like a wild horse. When she does that, everything changes. Each one of the humans who inhabit her are in and with her energy, they stimulate her to respond. She needs them now to understand what is happening here. Some strangers came awhile back and hurt her, they do not love her like we do. The children of earth did not know or understand what was happening, because they were being hurt too. They are now beginning >to. Standing Rock and the story, changed everything. Please prepare for the new world, if you are staying, pitch in. If you are departing, enjoy the journey. Destinations are everywhere and the universe wants to talk to you about where you should be next. Planet Earth i
s home for me, for now anyway. Dr. Su

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