Thursday, April 6, 2017

I am the WOLF, as I walk in two worlds at the same time

Do you? Can you be here and somewhere else at the same time? That is what your mind can do for you. It can transport you and your focus, and then ultimately your energy to the place where your thoughts go. It is called prayer and meditation. That is request and receive. It is a universal gift and it can carry you to the stars, and beyond. The only limit is you. Try to do it by giving yourself permission to go. Then you can see in all directions at the same time like the owl. You can see tomorrow, and play the odds on that bet. It can softly be present here today, and in another reality all at the same time! The gift of the practiced wolf. My clients call and say they saw me in the sky, the hawk calling to them and reminding them that I am here and that I love them. The little kids who see me in their dreams and tell us all about it. I am that wolf, able because I choose it, because I practice that gift daily. Walking with God or my relatives, or my past/passed friends, whenever I need to. They also having access to me, whenever they see something that might help me out. Use this gift of eternal, infinite and all seeing, the WOLF does. Protect it with your whole heart, because everything that happens here happens to everyone! We are all connected.

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