Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Write/right the letter of your dreams, nightmares and truth

He said to his son, write her a letter. I said OK DAD that is good advice, have you written yours???? We all need to sit down with pen and paper and write/right all that is precious and in need of truth and justice and harmony to any one who we are needing to balance out with. Do not say it, nor put it on the internet or your cell phone. Those bells can not be unrung!! WRITE/RIGHT it out, reread, edit, erase. IF at the conclusion, your are not uplifted, relieved, grateful or simply complete. PUT IT away for a day. Continue to heal/heel to your heart, you know it's song longs to be heard/herd. Communion with the heart, leads to completion with the surroundings and your part there/their/they're. I have written many words, and regret nothing I knew for sure. If it needed editing, I and the GREAT MYSTERY erased it. It is now time to forgive and forget, and FIND the ONE good thing you found there/their/they're. Then you can start again where you flourish in the truth of light and love and of course, laughter!

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