Monday, May 15, 2017

The IMPORTANCE of being YOU and showing UP!

In a society that compares constantly, measures everything and judges winners and others, we have forgotten how IMPORTANT we are as individuals. It is so vital to our recovery here now. I am a baby boomer, we were born of war and the remnants of what fear and conflict cost. Tough stuff. We were a product of nuclear energy and it's ability to change everything in an instant. We transitioned from the horse to horsepower, in the flash of a light. Then we added in. KEYBOARD WARRIORS were introduced to our world, and they are coming to the ranch this weekend to meet face to face! Every person on this planet has an important role to play in a world struggling to heal. Every warrior counts. It does not matter how you do the work, only that YOU DO IT! So remember, every thing you do with passion, a smile, a love for others and your self, is the MOST IMPORTANT thing of ALL you do! See you on Saturday, Mike Fasing and the Keyboard Warriors of Standing Rock and all the Water Protectors of Earth are here to share their vision! We are so glad you are coming! Dr. Su/Sioux

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