Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Blessing of the Autistic

The Blessing of the Autistic
I once asked a client of mine if the hideous health problems she once had were worth the experience, and the knowledge she had acquired, that she later used to save the life of her very own father.
Without a moments hesitation she said emphatically, YES!
She then sat back in her chair reliving the horror of that experience, and all the drama and trauma and pain it had brought into her life. Reflecting, she said, "Not until just now would I have said that. For until this very moment I could not find the value in that time or understand it's quality.
A lesson well learned.
That is our life here. The journey. Those lessons needed to move ahead and the trauma and drama of freewill and the choices it offers.
In the 1960's, frogs with 3 legs were found in the pristine lakes and ponds of remote areas of the United States.
Fear and fascination led to the further investigation and the discovery of mercury in our waters. A warning was sounded.
Studies were conducted. Scientists convened, the EPA got involved and we began to realize the choices we were making had polluted those waters with toxins, and the resulting distortion was our responsibility.
What has happened since then with the revelations brought forth by the frogs?
SILENCE. horror. LIABILITY. denial. FEAR.
Here we sit, 50 years & 2 generations later, living in and with a toxic world and a even more toxic response.
I have been a spiritual being having a physical experience all my life and fully aware of the phenomenon.
I could always tell there was more then the eye could see.
I became mercury toxic at the age of 10, under the influence of my first amalgam filling, and then recognized the ensuing 20 years as a response to that toxicity.
(see my personal story on
With that knowing and the experience of the 20 years of clean up and study,
I bring to you the blessing of the autistic.
We are gifted with children in our lives. They bring with them the promise of the future, new energy and ideas and unlimited potential. It is their way. They are willing and courageous souls who volunteer to spend time here on Earth here with us learning, growing and sharing. They are available to audiences of all kinds, they love the demonstration of their gifts, don't they?
As the blessing unfolds it clearly shows a lack of accountability to those in charge. The solutions offered are those of submission and control, when they truly only seek release and freedom to be who they are, in all their glory.
Today I wish to put to the world that the time of cover up and manipulation is over. The day has come to see the blessing, and offer health, nourishment and clearing to these beautiful souls. They will not tolerate any more drugs or restraints or any other punishments we can come up with to control their lives.
They are the chirping canaries in the AIRLESS-TOXIC coal mines of Earth.
They are warning the masses to stop and change now.
Jesus said , the children shall lead and set you free.
Look outside the box now, the answers are there. Open your heart and look inside yourself, clear your mind and clean up your life. The air you breathe, the food you eat, the waste you leave, the words and deeds you use, bring them into the light. The Earth Mother Gaia is designed as Eden, she has sustained the beauty and majesty of her body and those who share it with her from time before time.
Mother Nature knows her business, trust her, trust the children, and the future will once again loom bright!!
Namaste' Dr. Su

thanks for listening,
stay tuned for solutions,
check the blog and the new website.

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