Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cody and D-A-N

Our riding program for kids with disabilities is truly one of the best things we do out here at Hawk's Ridge. Let me share some magic!!

Cody was 8 when he first joined us for some country fresh air, sunshine and the horses, that was 6 years ago. This year the County of St. Croix found him some money to use for his choice of therapy. He chose us and D-A-N. He began his program in April, still cold but fun in the arena, none the less. Cody was shy, uncommunicative, rather weak and a little unsure of himself, but eager. It's now October and he has been with us for $1,000 worth of riding and horse play.

Cody today rides like the cowboys he loves. He grooms his horse, cleans his hooves,tacks him up and takes him on long rides inside and outside, he even bareback rides much of the time. His joy is unbridled!! He laughs, chats, brings me projects he's done and even tells me jokes he's remembered.

The other day his brother came to watch and we invited up on another horse to ride beside his brother. They walked and talked, they trotted and laughed, and galloped until Jeremiah could take no more. The next day he was sore, but because of the fitness Cody has achieved, Cody was not! YAY CODY!

The school year is off to a great start for Cody, they're even looking at a spot in the basketball program. Autism scmautism... this kid is perfect in his own way and we celebrate that every day here. His value is immeasurable, his humor infectious and we're grateful to have him in our program. Here's to Cody and D-A-N!! We love you.

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