Wednesday, May 27, 2009

summer sun and fun!!

We often hear that the sun causes cancer so we must stay out or use commercially prepared sunscreens. Well I'm here to tell you that is not true. Cancer comes from beneath, in an already toxic system. The sun will bring it to the surface, which to me would be a great cue to get your attention. If you need a liver detox because the sun is pulling something up and out, get it checked. The SPF of organic aloe is an eight!! All natural and healing too!! If you need a heavier product due to lack of conditioning there are mineral formulas from Alba that work very very well. The ingredients in the commercial preparations have been shown to cause cancer when heated! Seems like a bit of an oxymoron, doesn't it? Protection???? From what??

So let's get healthy, full of vitamin d, used in building with calcium for strong bones and teeth!! Exercise in the light of summer is funner and highly beneficial,it leads to fitness and wellness and a great night's sleep. Not to mention amazing stress relief.

So here's to a nice tan and glowing healthy skin and a beautiful smile to boot!!!

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