Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I have created 1,000's of recipes for recovery. I talk about genetics, lifestyle, and attitude, I talk about meridians and organs and potential. I tear apart the illusion that something is wrong, for it is only if you believe it is. I point out strengths and perceived weaknesses, which are always evolving strengths. I love my work. I have horses that offer therapy and learning, I teach yoga and meditation, I can also help you release the past and help you rewrite your soul contract.
Now that seems like enough doesn't it? WELL, LET'S JUST ADD ONE MORE PIECE FOR NOW!!


I have traveled my whole life, my mother went to 5 continents, so it is in my blood. My grandfather studied travel routes and their history so he could take his family on adventures with the narration complete. I do the ocean and the mountains, I love the grasslands and the sand. I can camp and do the 5 star. I love to go alone or with a friend, sometimes even a large group is what I need.

Point being, each time I leave the comfort and confinement of my home and my work, I let go. Even if only for a couple of days, I truly let go. I change my focus, my habits and my structure.
I listen and I watch, I learn and I grow, I get excited and I remember things. I receive the therapy I need to reboot. The only way to reboot is to shut down the old program, I reboot when I travel. Rethink, reposition my priorities and consider more.

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