Wednesday, April 16, 2008

transitions times are tough and people want you to know it!

Let's talk about a new day, where conflict is reduced, where people do not impose their sensitivities on others , looking to vent or blame, where excuses are more prevalent than apologies. People need to look at their health, their diet, their lifestyles, their careers, their relationships and their personal attitudes, then they can take stock of what is positive and uplifting, keep it and leave the other stuff behind. i had a conversation with a hired professional who took issue with my choices, even though I pay for them and believe in them, he became rude and disrespectful, putting his opinion before mine in a situation where it wasn't asked for. Patience and understanding seem to be running short lately, people want others to know and experience their pain and frustration. How about we take care of our own issues and stop expecting others to put up with our disharmony. Today we are so used to being fixed by something other than our inner knowing, that not only do we not know how to heal ourselves anymore, we're mad about it and taking it out on others, especially those we find closest to us. So just for today be kind, to yourself and everyone you encounter, smiles heal, patience heals, loves heals all!!!!

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