Tuesday, October 15, 2024

KNOW or NO you need to...

Choices are a part of the freedom earth has been promoting for a long time. The choice to do WHAT you choose. People ask me for advice, I say this is what I would do if it were me. YOU CHOOSE what makes you balanced, free and confident. It is like sports. Some I love. Skiing down a mountain is awesome, riding bareback on a horse is even cooler. Then there are choices I would not ever consider let alone choose. I am not able to eat shrimp, it makes my throat swell. SO I would NOT choose that. It is that simple. YOU need to know, then you can say NO, or I want to KNOW MORE PLEASE. Learn to muscle test yourself, to dowse, to intuit. Apply kinesiology process. Blaming someone else for fooling you is over, you are the MASteR learning to BE the MASTER, YOU are the one you have been looking for, you KNOW who YOU are. I KNOW that for sure. So let's get on with it, we are lucky to be here for this magical upgradein to the age of aquarius, whether you know anything about that or not. I DO and it is true, and you are lucky to be YOU. AND I am lucky to be SU!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Star Family

In the field of energy there is familiar and also the not so much. As Star Family incarnates wake up to their origin they become familiar with each other right away. Seeing the Firefly in the Dark is easy, so is finding your familiars, or as we call them...family. Ask your higher self to raise your vision to a height where you can see more. In the crowd, some will dim out and others will sparkle or glow or emanate light. Those are your family members sending out a signal to be scene/seen. My daughter was seen as white linen glowing in a restaurant by a new awakened familiar. She was delighted to see another star family member, and shared the moment with her friend who gave me the message. Sometimes it is a SOS. Sometimes it is just a OH, THERE YOU ARE I was looking for you! Think of the community built on family, no religions, no races, no class structure, just us. OPEN your I's to the others here who need to know you now. IT IS OUR TIME TO SHINE FIREFLIES, you have a reason and this is your season - SHINE, FLICKER and GLOW!!!

Friday, October 4, 2024

What is your SPECIALITY?

When kids are not told they are special they do not develop a speciality. I use natal charts, blood types, and a Zyto scan for detailing the human being being special. Knowing who and how and even why you are is so key to the identifiying factors. I am a double fire sign, a Centaur with an arrow and a bow, an O blood type warrior human and joyful and direct. It helps with the identifying features when someone is trying to be of service in my life. My Chiropractor knows as does my accupunturist and my family and friends do too. When working on something I start from there. Using the authentic self as the frame, I can build or rebuild. That became my speciality as a physician. Let's get on the bare back of a horse and do our walking meditation figure out your next step. From up here/hear the view is fantastic.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Are we ready?

To be united. Unity is the agree to disagree, and live and let live. Take care of the world as it is in need. The children first. The land with her water and trees and seas! The animals who in harmony keep the river flowing. Outside is an inside job. Healing in the sunshine, with the waves of love at the beaches of consciousness. You came for a reason, or a season. If you are done, see you again on another sunny shore. If you are ready to unite, welcome to the Age of Aquarius! We need you now and so does the world!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Buy or lease?

Ownership of the things of this world takes alot of energy. Can you remedy things? Is it easier to allow another? Let and learn to take care the things you love, adore or are just interested in. I love critters, so I learn to take care of them a little better every day. I love kids, so I do that too. I do not love everything, I leave those responsibilites to those who love those things. Politics is theirs, drugs are theirs, church is theirs, punishments are theirs, and nature and the gifts she offers, they are mine! Do I buy or lease? BOTH! DO the best you do for the best to be the best part of the day for YOU.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Antiques, relics, folk art

WHICH are you? Turning to dust those unused things of history. It happens when left behind. We see it in humans all the time. Get out and try something new, to keep the you, you knew, as young and vital and true and still productive. Interested or interesting? ARE YOU? Laying around with the radio on is keeping the history that needs to be shared, out of the hands of the future beings. Get your kids, your grandkids, your neighbor kids, your not the neighbor kids and tell them tales of old. The link to loss, is our lack of connection. Fix it. Fix it now, fix it fast. Get up, clean up, dress up and show up! If you are not invited, show up anyway! They need us now, more that ever before, teach them the folk arts and they will begin to flourish! No/know time like the present, adn the gift that keeps on giving. YOU!

Saturday, September 14, 2024


Licenses are issued for those willing to be the pilot. It takes focus and courage. It is a commitment to safety, and possibly the most exciting activity ever. I teach bareback horsemanship. I started with people with special needs, then came addicts in recovery, then people released from prison, then kids from rough places, then everyone wanted to learn how navigate and be the pilot on my fabulous horses. Yesterday it was a MOM. Actually it was 2 different MOMS. I can not think of a more powerful choice then to raise up your body on the bareback of 1,200 pounds of pure beauty and energy. Balance is key. Watching where you are headed is key too. Speed is variable, up to the pilot in control and up to the horse with the pilot not in control. How do you navigate your reality? Have you learned to see from way up there??? Move to the next place easily and quickly? Do you TRUST yourself to be your own pilot? Get your license. Take the time and enjoy the ride. WE NEED WARRIORS, and learning bareback horse riding is a wonderful way to practice being a leader, a pilot. See you in the arena.