Thursday, January 16, 2025

Better than you found it

Take your trash with you, said the ranger to the camper, before he ventured into the wilderness. Trash in, trash out, no exceptions. I take it one step further and say - you will leave this place, human, experience, relationship, job or whatever you are doing - BETTER THAN YOU FOUND IT. That is our promise. Lightworkers were told that was the goal. We were asked if coming back to the earth school although we had completed our time here was the opportunity available. GO BACK, FIND YOUR SPACE, YOUR PLACE, YOUR CALLING, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR PEOPLE, and leave it all better than you found it down there on Earth. It did not matter what we did, ONLY that we did that. Upgrade the matrix by being there while they switch channels. We are now in 5-d. I came for the switch. It switched. 1987 the Convergance blew the whistle and set us in motion. Leaving behind the worn out, toxic, controlling behaviors, locations, choices, politics, religions, educations, became my calling. Teaching that freewill is the gift of wellness my choice. Grab it and use it for the highest good. Justice and balance will be the result as wellness becomes a viable option. First for your own soul do the work, then spread it out. So I got sick, really sick, then I changed my mind and changed my body. Your heart is your center, your balance, your pivot and your justice. Keeping it in perfect time, beating to your own loving drum is an inside job. NO ONE can do that work for you! No doctor, no judge, no teacher, no mentor, can validate or justify YOU. The peace and freedom you seek comes from within. You are hear/here to sing the SONG OF THE UNIVERSAL SOURCE OF LIFE, and with that knowing of that music,
you will decide many things. Stay or go? Just leave it better than you found it! See you in the barn!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


If you are downloading, you will smile. If you feel it, you will smile. If your heart is singing, you will smile. In the sunshine or the moonlight, you will smile. I smile often, as it is the road I chose. It must bring joy, challenge, fun, learning, and wellness with balance to play in my yard with me. If you are looking for more smiles, allow it in your world first. If you are dis-eased find a video that makes you laugh out loud. It will speed the ease. Ease is brings the KEYS. On my pianos, all three, there/their/they're are 88 keys, black and white, sharp and flat. when I play often, it comes with ease. Healing my world, entertaining those close enough the here/hear and truly making us all smile! Pianos in the barn??? Allowing the music to bring the ease, YUP!
See you there.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Full Moon provocation

Provoke with in or provoke with out. Ask to share the feeling you get when you poke the bear sleeping with in and with out, for it is your guide. I was provoked in the 80's by having children and seeing that letting someone else take care of them would unbalance me. As a mother my instinct was to spend my days and my nights with them in their days and their nights. Natural, instinctive, and swimming against the current I chose to stay home with them. In those day the moms I knew worked in the workplace that forced their children into daycares. I refused to allow a stranger to raise my offspring. I was heavily criticized for my knowing. My marriage changed, my friendships ended, and I moved closer to where I was raised and included my family with my family. My work and my play and most of my day was those kids and that play. I still feel that way as I work with kids and their needs and hopes and wishes for balance, wellness, energy, and beauty. I KNOW THAT BEING HERE FOR THEM IS A BALANCER FOR ME. Under this moon - the Wolf Moon, you see both sides as the wolf walks in both worlds. Leo is loud and energetic and willing, take a moment to make a choice under the provocation of your own knowing. Be authentic in your choice, it is about YOU! Do not be provoked another's opinion, it is simply none of your business ever. Life is your parade
, get in the front and lead the way, the moon will show you the road. Mine is in the barn, see you there!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Strong faith, intense hope, unlimited love

Eternal and internal deposits of potential. Earth is where they are culitvated, developed, nurtured and celebrated. With these any thing is possible. I have the faith that never changes ever, the hope of a gambler, and the love that kids and critters cultivate in my world every day, passionate and unlimited and fierce. The rest is for someone else to work with. Music has always been a part of the structure. I started piano lessons in Kindergarten and went to 12th grade. It helped alot. It gave me time in the room that my mother kept off limits most of the time. Find the hidden gifts, the reality off limits, then are here/hear now. The new age of enlightenment is calling you to listen and learn. Find a teacher, a book, a podcast, a piano. Find a friend or a group of friends that raise the level of GOOD. Ask yourself - is this good for me???? Is this for my future, the higher potential, the others???? If worry, or less, or lack, or responsibilities do YOU no good. SAY KNOW? now? NO!! I am finished...... Letting go with the Know, NO, is going to open the path for the next clear direction. It time that the road ahead is clear, look up and look to the LIGHT. That is where your faith, your hope and your love came from and go home to that light, nothing else matters. . I started photographing my aura long ago, the top left was dark, cold and clingy. As I journeyed toward the light and the warmth it lightened. Over years, I disappeared in it's glory. Not dying but living. Time for everyone to have their aurora of glory. It is your gift to the future.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Checking on investments

Bitcoin, silver, gold, land, the stock market, and so the lists grows. I invest in the wealth of wellness and the children of all ages who deserve that legacy. I had to learn it by trial and tribulation. I got very sick. Then I got very better, and I knew then what I still know now, that being happy and healthy is an investment. My daughters love that, they are invested. Their clients tell them every day how loved they are! My grandchild loves that. My clients love that too, they have invested for over 30 years in learning our offering. My offering of therapeutic horsemanship and bareback riding has been an investment since 2000. It is for me, my most magical offering. Nature is filled with healing, horses are one delivery system that brings it every single time. Balance and beauty, tears from fears, and the relief of riding a beautiful horse fill the eyes/I's of those I work with. Inner city, addicted, out of prison, homeless, neglected, abused, autistic, malignant and even corporate executives have participated by investing time and energy in this program. Moms, dads,
soldiers, families, doctors, lawyers and yes, even Indian Chiefs have all invested. Is your investment solid and growing?? Keep what works, and re-lease the rest. It is time. See you in the barn.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Let's kick the ball around

dodecahedron - soccer ball It is the symbol of the Universe itself. It represents the ultimate cosmic order and it's 12 pentagonal angles. Today is 1-11-2025 a 12 day. Find some fun, like minded characters to kick the ball around with. Charity, laughter, food, friends, and bring the kids and the dogs too. Share the fun, our world needs the smiles to bring the light back into the eyes/I's and hearts of humanity. It has been a long time comin' and we are here to sing and dance with the new age. What you believe you receive. TODAY kick the ball around, ideas abound, light the fire, play the music, and remember, you are the ones you have been looking for. See ya in the barn, Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin got a new horse!! Dark Star, welcome to the herd! Let's see what you got!!!! The children are excited to meet you.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Right/write before your I's/eyes

Communication is different now. So quick! Broadcasting in the wink or blink of an I/eye. I saw my German Shepherd Jack open the front door while I was sitting right there putting my boots on. He went out and I called him back in. Again he did it, so quick, like a NINJA! I smiled and left him out with his buddy Mni, to roll in the fresh snow. Communicating his desire and his need, like he had a thumb to turn that knob! So simple, so quick! Kids now are able to tell and show quickly the right and the not so right who, how and way, they need YOU to understand and respond to. Food, school, time spent, buddy selection, adult selection, it is instant that they will respond with their truth. SHOW AND GO! If you are missing the cues, next time they will be TURNING THE DOOR KNOB, AND HEADING OUT the door and down the road so fast you will wonder how you missed it. DON'T MISS THIS!! They are young so quick, be there, beware, watch them, let them show and tell only YOU!! You are the ones they chose to be with. YOU!!