Friday, February 23, 2018


I do not wear a watch. I haven't since 1995. I knew I was watched anyway. I have always known I was watched. So are you. People say, oh, the devices are watching. I say, of course, so what. You have bigger eyes on you than those little eyes. It shows how important you all are. If you were not watched, it would mean the Universe didn't care about you, or us, or our world. Well, it does. We are important. Our lives, our choices, our water, our land, our work, our children, our future, ALL IMPORTANT. So smile, you are all on candid camera!! Enjoy getting caught being nice, or doing something special! It is all going down in the records of time, the Akashic records all things. And you are going to be remembered. ME TOO! I for one and going to leave behind and up ahead, smiles, lots of smiles! See you in the movies. Dr. Su/Sioux

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