Tuesday, August 2, 2016

what's your story?

When I was a child I loved stories, when I grew up, I still did. I love to hear them, read them, write them and be in them. In High School I was the narrator to our school play, Peter Pan. It is a great story and narrating it was perfect for me. I got to be ME! Acting is a great gift, and each character tells their version of the story from their unique characterization. Narrating is the job of the overviewer and I am a natural for that. In life I look at the big picture always. I rarely get involved in the minutia of anything. I tend to move back farther when I am in need of data, as opposed to moving in closer. I am like the horse and the hawk that way. Stories are being told and sold all over the place. Some are wonderful and some super weird. I love the revelations. It is the time that all stories are made available for any interested. Many are on Earth again with stories of old, of galaxies and star wars, of gods, and angels, and darkness too. Also the light that ends all darkness. What a great time to be alive to hear and see and be in those stories. What is your story? Everyone has one. Does it have a happy ending???? It is yours and yours alone, you decide. I AM.

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