Wednesday, August 17, 2016

full moon su/sioux and YOU

This time it is the Aquarius energy, wild and free, like it should be. Like a new day, only at night, when the reality of life here is second to the dream time of the bigger picture of self and life on Earth. I know you know, everyone does in some way, they know everything. It just gets left out or forgotten or numbed. It is still there though in the rings of you, within. Mesenchyme is it's name, deep tissue it's place. Scars carry those memories, so do tumors and cysts. Put away for a time until processing them is the next step. Some will not process those memories in this lifetime. They will bury those memories in a casket or a crypt, yet they still are yours telegraphing through your DNA where ever you go from here. There is no escape, no jail will keep you away from you, no drug, no self mutilation. Not now, not ever, you will still be accountable for every single detail of living any way you live. I choose life in light and love and I laugh out loud a lot. I choose to live in nature, with critters surrounding me, when my kids got grown and gone. I choose a job in the healing arts since I study that stuff every day anyway cuz I love to!!! You are choosing too, with every single breath you take and every swallow you make, you are choosing the next step of your life. STEP LIVELY! Dancing in this full moon will result in big changes for you and the whole world! FULL MOON COME AND SHINE ON EVERY ONE!

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