Monday, August 22, 2016

Are we puppets on a string???

I had a marionette as a child, he danced for me and scared my sister no end. It was a real trick to get him to look sober and balanced and stand up straight. He was hard to control, yet he was not free either, he was connected to me. In my meditation I see those puppets here on Earth, like my marionette, dancing to the music of a drum that is not theirs. The church, the government, the schools, the doctors, the military, and the parents who danced like maniacs too, all pulling those strings. Truth is, our own higher self is the one in charge. They, who are us up above, must be invited to participate. No different that your guardian angel, who must be given consent to assist you. I consent daily, actually, I demand it. It is too challenging here alone. So look up, look past the strings of earth life that pull you around, and ask for the true captain of your ship to take control. The Creator gave us, us. We are all brothers together, not to push or pull one another, but to learn to be real boys and girls and stand on our on two feet. I for one, am ready, how about it? Cut the strings, and be real!!

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