Monday, April 30, 2018

40 years per contract

A mortgage can run 30, or 15 years. A season is only 3 months. A lifetime is a lifetime, no matter how long it goes. A minute is gone in the wink or blink of an eye. Today I re-view 40 years of adult life. It was the first marriage I committed to, and it changed the way I lived forever. What a relief. Now it is changing again, a new way to live here. Free, easy, peaceful and 40 years older and wiser, and more of all of that, yet to come. Even if it didn't run the full length, it still is present and always will be in the muscle memory of my personal human record. I regret little, and love and learn from even the regrets. I hope we all learn to do the same soon. It will reveal in it's timing a peace and harmony that will rule the reality we have here in the light of truth and love, even lost, yet love none the same. Namaste 40 years, it was something to write/right about, And I just did!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Images - our imagination is working overtime right now!

As we wake up with the sun here, our lights come on bright and strong and stay on longer. It is a great feeling. Our imagination sparks our fire and we get to it. Inside the human brain is a wonderful place. The images we review again and again are part of what we can imagine happening. It is a field of light, and energy. It does happen. You make it so. You get what you put out there, every single time, although sometimes, the timing is not what you want or understand. Be care - full. Be compassionate. Be productive and be YOUR SELF. Compare your reality to no one else's. Only to that which your imagination, should you be totally loyal. It will inspire you, your dreams, your hopes and your wishes for a magical life are there to have and make real. And right now, in the spring of 2018, it is working overtime!! Enjoy the energy.

Monday, April 16, 2018

So much to share

My daughters remind me to share. I do. So today I will share this. ALLOW only what and who you love to be in your world. ALIGN to harmony. Matching is not necessary, harmony is necessary. You be YOU, and I will be ME, and together our harmony will be something very special. APPRECIATE, every single thing in your reality. Look at it for what it is, I use a Dream Book and also Animal Totems Book to keep me in the loop. Last night I dreamed of trains, meaning I am moving fast, but observing only, only for the moment. I am not driving for this time now. I looked to the sweet puppy in my dream too. And that companion, that male energy, and that best friend, is something very cherished. I appreciate every detail, as it reveals me to me, and our world to those awake and interested. So much she shares, our beautiful Gaia! Appreciate everything she demonstrates, align with her energy and allow her her do, I do and it is amazing. AND it is never boring!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Where does humanity go from HERE/HEAR?

There are those five senses, sight and hearing, taste and touch, and the famous SMELL. The sixth sense is not really talked about much, although it is very real. The third eye, it has it's revelations, and it's projections is a long topic. The hearings are today's thoughts. What is here with YOU today? Who is HERE with you? Do you hear everything, or do you selectively hear here? It is a close field, hearing from far is challenging and to some impossible. Close in, a whisper can create a change. As a mom, I used the whisper when necessary. It drew my girls in close so that they could really hear me clearly. In your hearings today, allow the sounds and frequencies to penetrate your here and now. Align to the hearing of the beautiful sounds, and songs, and words. It makes our day, it changes our mood, and it can and will lift you up. Appreciate the ability to block certain hearing. Use your free will and the choices that it offers to here what you hear, in a GOOD and POWERFUL light. It needs us all the hear/here the positive. Our future depends on it! Humanity should hear this message! This is our here and now, and we decide what we hear.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Re-flection is why my YOGA practice is a part of my life. Breathing into contracted places by opening them, and stretching them as far as I can, consciously. Looking to the body I have for clues as to the way the journey should proceed. I know where I look, is where I will GO, and ultimately, will end up. Just like riding a bike. See and you shall be transported to that site. The same thing happens on the bare back of a horse, my vision becomes their destination. Ultimately, our destination. Re- flection is looking at it again, maybe just once more. There in the re- flection I may see something I missed. Mirrors of life are our re-flections. They can be in the eyes of a child, the look on the face of a friend, or the direction I seem to be moving in. Use your flexion, your stretch, to see the re-flection. And we will get through this together here, now. Namaste'

Monday, April 9, 2018

A Traveler

I was raised by one. So I become one too, so did my girls. I heard that some folks found that worrisome. I wondered why. So I shall set out on a adventure, and let you know if there is anything to worry about. New people, new places, new experiences, all a part of getting up and moving around now. See you on the journey!! I will report, and video all that is out there, in hopes you feel inspired to move about too.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Do you need inspiration, or do you give inspiration?

People flock to places where they receive inspiration. Sacred sites attract some, people with a powerful message to share, attract others. Some go in and with groups, others take it solo. Visions of sugar plums dance in their heads. A beautiful dream of magic and sweetness in a life of effort, as in the dreams of a child. Inspired people are needed here. You can tell by their smile, their words, the way they present themselves in public and in private, and share gifts. It can be a jar of jam, or a song. It can be a helping hand or a shoulder. It can simply be a kindness, the way of giving or receiving that which you have. We are moving back to a time of respect. Honoring one another for our unique ways of being. This is returning to us now. We are all here together for a reason, it is not a sentence, but a truly an awesome opportunity. Be inspired, simply by the fact that you are here, on Earth, at this very interesting time. Once fully inspired and in awe of this great chance at something never before done, reach out, and inspire those around you. Smile, remember you are on candid camera, and in the end, the review will be yours. Make sure what you see is an inspiring life on the movie of your life. YOU ARE THE STAR so now is the time shine and be an inspiration!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Time to put yourself out there.....

I stay in, home and on the ranch. I have since 2012. I needed to rest. I did. I lost some friends, that made me tired. I lost some enthusiasm, that made me tired too. I watched the world, and waited for her to restore herself. She is!! I am putting myself back in the game now. It will offer fun, it will offer me a chance to share the magic I live and love, again. My horses, my clinic, my ranch with it camping and fires, and my trips to teach in amazing places around the world will give me joy. I am opening to those who would like to stay with us, a chance to rent a bed and use our amazing healing tools. Give us a call to reserve some time with us, we open on May 1, 2018 and will take overnighters until October. See you here!! Dr Su/Sioux

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Child - ish or Child - like ??

I am child - like. I have a child's joy, and curiosity. I have a child - like energy. When I get tired, I quit. I just stop, and let go. I am hopelessly hopeful, I see magic, and believe it to be very real. I see auras and can effect them with great skill. I know when I am spot on, and when enough is enough. I love colors and sounds, and vibrations. If I were childish no one could rely on me. I would not show up, on time, or at all. I would not let you know where I stand, or even where I am. I would not have enough to share, gladly. I would not feel enthusiasm, and that awesome can - do - ness. Decide which it will be. You can be innocent and childlike, and life will fill you up. You can be childish, and wait for a grown up to do your work for you. It is the planet of choice, freewill and light. And it comes from within. Stand in the light, and show us all who are, we need those willing to be here for the greater good, only adults now can do the job!