Tuesday, January 30, 2018

My Hawk Horse, my mirror today!

Mirror - Mirror ASK it!

I dreamed of the date 1-30-2018. When it came, I asked about it's magic. It said, I am a mirror mirror date. Ask me who is fairest. I DID! Fair in play, in work, in finance and in law, fair in love, and even in looks. Are you fair? It means balanced, compromising, accountable and with that, even beauty! Ask your mirrors today. They are you looking at you and reflecting it back. It is your child looking back at you, your critters too, and yes, even your partner will reflect the fairness of your life. Honest, above board, congruent, orderly, lovely and kind. OR NOT. Big day! Who knew? I guess I did.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Be LIKE a child, do not BE one any longer. Take responsibility.

The child in us all is Innocent, and still open to the potentials. Children are within us, from the moment of incarnation, setting us to a greater field in this earth life. We are invited to reconnect to the child within all the days of our lives with a vision of choice and accountability. Only for those first 12 years, are we NOT responsible. From that point on, we are. I have offered the gift of health by choices made, to many kids. Some did what they were taught with incredible success. My kids did. Some of their friends did too. A lot of my clients did and now they are teaching their kids the same, only better ways to choose life here. When you are forced to stop being a child too soon, you lose your bearings, your compass goes crazy. The easy way of the masses looks like the way to go. It is what is seen in a broadcast of energy designed to distract. It is a hail of bullets, broadcast into the crowd. Kids fall, and some do not get up. I see a way through. My horses, my health, my joyful expression of light and love and laughter at this ranch, has always seen me through. Every single day I play. I also pay. It is the gift of being chosen to make choices for our world now. We must all wake up and grow up , and pitch in! If we are to survive, and thrive we must take responsibility. Join in the fun, the child-like life, is amazing. I love being a grown up, and I know you will too!

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Lots of ways to get down the mountain

I love to ski. My friend loves to board. We both get down the hill. It has been that way since we were children. He is a nurse, I am a Naturopathic Doctor. We do the same kind of job, differently. Over the years our enthusiasm was specific to our own calling and the way we learned to navigate that calling. Now in our senior time here, we know that both ways work. Authentic to our own calling, hearing the song of our own heart, and enjoying that unique sameness and yet difference has been a great joy for us. Be you being you. That way comes naturally. It is the greatest gift with least cost. Competition here is exhausting and know it is a false goal. You will all win in the end. Enjoy the ride down the mountain, however you get there! You will all get home again.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

THE limbic system WHAT you need to know!

It is like a sensory net that surrounds you and offers good directions. It is wired to your wiring. I love acupuncture because it supports my wiring, through the meridians within. The limbic system is an outer net. Have you gone into a situation where the hair on the back of your neck went up?! That was your limbic system telling you to back up, or even back out. A horse knows how to live with that system when they have the space to do just that. They will back up, or flee, or if you push them, fight. It makes the adrenaline run. Humans have the same gift, albeit smaller. Within a short while, humans can link up to a horses limbic system and they can function as one energetic system in sync. It is amazing to feel this, and I love watching it every single time it occurs. I teach bare back riding and cooperation is needed for success. The whole of the horse and human, together in an energy system is powerful, healing and energizing. It raises the bar! Learn more, use your natural gift. If you feel pushed, yield. Give in to the knowing that has your back and your front too!! And join us for a ride!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Time to DANCE?

When was the last time you just got up and danced? It is a feeling larger than a song, it needs the whole body to rise and move!! I see those in my work who have stopped dancing. Some have even stopped walking, some stopped smiling, some stopped even thinking. Some came to assign blame. You are the source of your reality. It is time to get up and start again. Think, about the details of your daily existence. Your looks, your health, your diet, your home, your job, your friends, your relationships, your habits and your involvement in the whole of that. Start there. See those who you surround yourself with. Nice is nice, kind is kind, generous is generous, light is light, and no one can block it! It comes from within. You are the source. Feed the fire of your dancing light. DO YOU, doing YOU! If it makes you smile, or feel proud, or lifts you from your chair, or sofa, or bed. Then DO IT AGAIN! Time to dance, there is no future, no past, just now! So dance as if no one is watching, and see who shows up to dance with you! It is time.

Monday, January 22, 2018

You MUST see what is right, to be a part of the solution

I here/hear complaints for a living. I get paid to do that. It is the job of a health care person, a mother, a land lady, and even a friend from time to time. I told them all in my prayers and meditations, no complaints are being heard anymore. I have to focus on the good and the right way only. I need to rearrange my life, my possessions, my work schedule and my way of getting the job done. I am 60 years old now and I earned this. No one need apply for the position of complainer. If you are being picky about what someone else has chosen to be, or do, or say, in their world, their life, their way of being. YOU ARE OUT OF ORDER! You do you, the best you can and that is good enough. Your freewill does not extend into the complaint area. NO ONE wants to hear it, certainly not me. If you are a part of the light, the laughter, the pitch in, the clean it up, the show up with a smile, the rescue and recovery crew, the sharing of the resources, then come on by. Say something nice. The rest need to take a rest. The solution, is done in the light, of love and kindness. Period. Less is unacceptable. As I was told as a child, and I believe it to be the right way. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SOMETHING NICE TO SAY, THEN SAY NOTHING AT ALL.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Rick McArthur said..........

All sorts of things. Like, Babe, you should make videos. I said, do you like being in the movie you are currently in? He said NO. I said NO, TOO. We both laughed out loud. Our voice as one voice held a common note. It was the note of the renegade. The Rainbow Warrior in us had to have a job. The one who did what they did, because they just had to. It started back the 1960's. He was an AIM guy, and I loved hearing the stories. I am a Naturopathic Doctor, and it was exactly the same story, only done differently. Two humans, doing what they came to do. Our Rainbow Way of loving this planet and supporting the peace and freedom of health, life, law, and living in the light was what we came to do. It needs us all now. To shelter our world from loss, or less, or simply the feeling of UN-LOVE, was our mission. It is time now for us all. Bring those in from the cold and lonely, and warm them up. Feed them, hold them dear, and we will shift the energy. One for all and all for ONE! The RAINBOW IS HERE. The bridge built by the old warriors who stayed alive through these dark years. THE PROMISE IS REAL, AND YOU ARE THE WARRIORS WE WAITED FOR! Let's do this!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


I hear them proclaiming loudly their ways, and means to get their ways. It is a sickening sound. Peace and love do not sound like that, at all, ever. They say they are the ONLY ones who get to do what and when, they decide to do that. Then they do their worst work, making the world feel their pain. It is funny really. Our Christ Consciousness was not like that ever. Divide and conquer was never the way to share love. Pain was to be taken away from here. Not left for the few to use in a crusade. Add in and up always worked better. More light, more air, more flexibility, always worked better. Subtract or destroy, well it seemed to just make a big mess, that eventually would need to be attended to. Hoarding and hiding became a way of life here. I watched my own mother hoard. She built a bomb shelter. It made me laugh and made me feel sick all at the same time. I asked her why, and she said, fearfully, it was necessary. Trust, faith, the natural order of things on Earth and in Heaven work way better for me. Use what is yours to use, and share the rest. Crusade for love now. Crusade for light now. Crusade for healing now. Crusade for truth and exposure. Open all the boxes! ALL the doors are yours! Those are the only crusades worth anything at all. Those other ways, are without merit. This is the Age of Aquarius, welcome!!! Mni Wiconi!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Old Lady and the Earrings

I gave a gift of earrings to an old lady. I asked her if she would like to try them on. She said she could not do it herself. I asked if she would like my help, and she said yes to my face. So I did. I give earrings as gifts a lot. Normally though, only to those who love them and say so. This time it was my love and my pleasure to gift these lovely earrings. Not her request. Later I was told she was deeply offended by my gift and the delivery that gift. I had over stepped my bounds. As a Double Sagittarius I have a lot of enthusiasm. I have learned to curtail it in some situations. Yet not in the gifting department. I still love to share the beautiful things in life and wrongly assume others do too. I learned that lesson finally this time, and now I will never do that again. Be careful what you offer, make sure it is welcomed. Look in to their eyes for the truth, words can be deceptive. If there is any chance you are over stepping, step back. I should have done that, that is how my horses have taught me to be, and somehow I forgot for a moment. So to the Old Lady, I say I am so sorry, and I will never make that mistake again. WOW, sometimes it is the tough love of another that changes the game all together, but learning is the name of this game. And this lesson I learned well.

Are we stars?

Under the light of the alignment of Jupiter and Mars, with the moon in the 7th house, the stars, yes those amazing stars changed the game. They do that. I was asked once if I believe in the stars. I answered with this. The sun nourishes me, the moon is my reflection of who and how I feel, and the stars change the game as the world turns. I love stars, we are stars, shining brightly in our own way. Smile, shine and be one of a kind, that's how stars do it! We are ALL STARS!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Shedding the OLD SKIN

I was taking care of my horses yesterday and on the hay spread out across the cold cold ground, was a perfect snake skin. I love snakes, I always have. My ancestor, who was me long ago, was named Natawista, Holy Medicine Snake Woman. I own that name, and I use that lifetime of experience to help me in this lifetime of experience. Snakes are sexy, period. They are transmutation experts of the highest realm. They are super flexible! They love the sun, they shed their parasites with their skin. They live long and prosper well in staying close to the Earth mother, and the Father sun/son all at the same time. It is a dance. I know we are all transmuting massive amounts of old skin here. I see it everyday, I feel it everyday too. I have now cleared the way for the new skin, the new earth, the age of aquarius to take it's rightful place here. This is very exciting, and we worked very hard to slither out of the old muck, the dead skin we had covering us, and the feelings that were promoting helplessness and hopelessness. Emerge now into the light of this dawn, our day is destined to be warm and sunny, and filled with hope, potential and love! See you outside, I will be there in the SUN! Getting my new skin all brown and warm!!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Ask, probably....Tell, not likely

In the use of life force here, it is mandated that freewill is our field. This is not a sentence, but an opportunity. Asked by the Divine,I got here by invitation. And then I got motivated when asked to pitch in. I need to feel the flow of an invite, the enchantment of a shared experience, and the vision of a set of potentials. I am a visual learner, flashcards work for me, reading does too. I love pictures and perspectives that catch my eye. People catch my eye too. I respond to that, my freewill is activated, and I do something. I am not a patient, nor do I want to become one again. Not to anyone, haven't been in a long time. I still have some though, they appear in my clinic, and we work things out. I teach in many ways, I work visually. I can see your aura, and if asked, read it to you. Today, consider asking. Ask yourself, what causes success, health, and happiness in your field of freewill. Start there. Tell no one what you are doing, wait until they ask. Let's see if more doing, and less lamenting get us up and running now. Namaste'

Friday, January 5, 2018

If you don't know no, get a pendulum

My energy is mine and mine alone to use. I learned that the hard way. It was manipulated when I was a child, and I was fooled by foolishness. I was told, then sold, and if I did not comply, hit. It was that hard and that easy to see the truth all at the same time. In the sixty years here I have studied that impact and learned to use energy to learn Sioux/Su and her reality. It works every time I stop and check, my intuition is good, my pendulum is spot on. You can and need to learn this too. It is how you KNOW when to say NO! Period. End of transmission.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Go only where you are loved now

I have been in a world where loving the work, the animals, the children are what I do. And I DO DO that. Others come and go, some just to see, some to try it out. I am always here for those who need that experience. Love is a place, a noun and verb working together for the highest good of all. It is for me, Hawk's Ridge Ranch. It is a divine mandate, and deserves our full attention. If anything distracts you from love, and using it for the highest good of all, move on, move out, move it! I see in the eyes of some, fear, loss, memories, history, habits, and the like, take the attention off of love. It is just like saying to your child, later I am too busy to play, or listen to you. There is not a way for later, for later never reappears, it does not exist, there is only now. When love is present know it and love it and HONOR IT. It just IS. And truth is, it is all there is. When you learn and live that well, all is well. When you ignore it, it ignores you and nothing grows, or flourishes. 2018 offers a fresh start, and loving that chance to be in love, adding peace and freedom, and light and laughter, it really is the best it gets here. Namaste all, and Happy 2018. We are worth the magic, so use it! I AM!