Friday, April 28, 2017

What would I DO?

That is what I teach, the I do! I can! I should, and yes, I will. I, is the inner me, the great I AM, and it connects to the rest of my reality from my heart. It translates in and out, an energy, a communication of sounds, and colors, and designs which you can embrace as yours! It is magnetic. I do ME, with health as a career. I say to the people who ask questions about certain issues, WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU KNEW MORE? If the I in you became the part that you could hear, and know for sure had your best interest in place. In knowing, by remembering or learning something new, we can DO easily what we need to. And yes, it is free. Free for you to feel good, happy, energetic, youthful, and in charge of your reality. First, you need say, I DO. Nothing less will work the way you desire. Move into the light, and use the affirmation of self, the love of self, the worth of self, and say I DO TO me, and to YOU too!

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