Friday, April 14, 2017

fresh start THE EGG IS CALLING YOU! GET BACK IN IT! And start a do-over.

We could all use a fresh start. A new day, a do over and yes, a clean slate and a clean record. What if that were available? IT IS. I laugh about the confinements and the tangled messes that we put ourselves into. I have done it again and again. Things, places, relationships, jobs, and even court appearances, that I thought to myself, were confining and restricting and life changing all at the same time. Easter is about new day, new way, and new choices chosen, to be light and true! It is not the death that we celebrate, it is the amazing show of the life after life after life, that we know is real and written about. Celebrate THAT! It is your chance to show a new improved YOU. Apologize, sober up, pay back the loan, or just take a deep breath and say out loud, I AM WORTHY, I AM ALL THAT I AM, BEING THE BEST ME I CAN BE TODAY. Now that is worth celebrating! In a kind and gentle voice, talk to yourself. Say sorry about that! I did what I thought was OK, and now, I know it could be done better. Simple and clear, and yes, the beginning of a new life. Onward and upward, and in community, here and in the here after. HAPPY EASTER, AND ASCENSION EVERYONE!

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