Saturday, March 18, 2017

WHY do I GO WHere I GO?

I teach, in pictures I can see, with sounds I can hear, in words I can understand, make it abundantly clear to me. Then I ask the Universe questions. Who, what, where, and when. I have always been a seeker and a seer. So when I went to the Sonoran Desert the other day, I waited until I came back to ask the questions. JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT! It was an energy explosion of connections! That is what they said and that is why I was sent. And a grid like that was what I needed. For those who know earth energy, it is magical. For those just learning, follow your heart and you will end exactly where you need to be, exactly when you NEED to be there. Trust....Faith....and an adventurous spirit, get out there people, this world needs you and YOU need her!

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