Friday, March 24, 2017

Waking up tomorrow with all the time and all the money you could ever want - what will you do?

I ask that question over and over. When I ask you, I am simply asking ME again. I know we all are in this together, my words, have the greatest effect on ME. Sometimes though YOU hear/here them too and ANSWER me back. My friend Paul did yesterday. Out of the blue he answered that question posed awhile back. He said, with enthusiasm, I KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO! Then proceeded to share a teaching philosophy I totally understood and could support. I SMILED! We are all now finally thinking about the answer to that question. The day has come, the council fires have reconvened and the world is making decisions that are about our healing. This weekend, find a solution for something. Something you love, and could spent the next few years working on. It is time, and we will help you! Open your eyes, then your heart, and THEN your mouth! Remember, in the beginning there was the WORD, and when spoken, we were created in the likeness of LOVE. I love this! Time to speak.

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