Sunday, February 12, 2017

Just TRY one

Choices. Stop thinking they are not for you. Start thinking, period. Let those choices that come into your life each day show their value to you. We are free, we always were. We simply stopped making choices that supported that knowledge in our hearts. In the scope of eternal and infinite, you will choose so many things that matter. It is the energy that offers itself to you as an individual that seems to be scaring humans away from that choice making space. So today, try a choice. If it is a habit, choose something alternative to that what has become a non-choice habit. Pick a different food. Pick an organic as opposed to a chemically coated something, anything will do. Try a toothpaste without brain altering fluoride in it. Try twenty minutes in the sunshine, even in the winter light. And take your kids, and your dog with you. It is an awesome choice. Try being kind, instead of sour or critical of something or someone. Try a helpful way or word to someone you know, or someone you don't know. Give a stranger a compliment. Buy something for someone, just for the choice of spending that money on a different choice, a new fresh choice, unexpected choice. Look up and around, and smile. You still have a lot of choices left. YOU ARE ALIVE. A choice, a choice.

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