Monday, February 13, 2017

Astrologically new

Pluto in Capricorn, no one here has had that time there. This is tough stuff. I hear about it everyday from those in fear that they are failing. Some complain little, some big. Some loud and others mumble under their breath. It is time to know it is time to KNOW. For a long while, a few knew a lot, and a lot knew very little. THEY HUDDLED TOGETHER AND FOLLOWED LIKE SHEEP. It is time to use the dynamic of Pluto energy, death and transformation, to create new, healthy, happy and whole new structures here. It starts with you, your lifestyle, your body, your buying power, your interface with others. Then it can become humanitarian, in a global shift, very needed now. We are part of grand illusion, a dream. Be ready to wake to a new day and a whole new way. This Pluto, in Capricorn demands it.

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