Monday, January 16, 2017


When you were a child a secret seemed fun. A hidden gift, a surprise party, secrets that promised fun and togetherness. Now the secrets being revealed are not so fun. Abuse of self and others is the best kept secret of all. Those secrets of the world, the universe, even the family, and the church and the neighborhood, became the stuff we were offered and some accepted. Secrets were sold to SPECIAL people, they said. A trick used again and again to suck people in. It is overwhelming and life changing as we see the truth now. I see and hear secrets all the time in a job that needs disclosure as the basis for it's success. We can not change anything that is not out in the open to shine the light on, air it out, and forgive it. Shame and guilt holds people back more than any other feeling, and it causes hopelessness. Number one cause that initiates human death is the colon, the organ that holds guilt and shame. Keep the crap in and it will ultimately become your world. Clean it out, talk about it, wash it out, and it will heal and so will YOU! Find a trusted person, and reveal the truth. It will set you free, it really will. Then we can move ahead and work on the good stuff together. No more secrets for us. Clean it up and clean it out, inside and outside and we can all live here in health and peace.

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