Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Yes, each one here/hear has been called. Some slept through the call, some were too groggy to pick it up and just rolled over, others had their ringers off, some were too wasted to understand it even if they picked up. And yes, some of us answered it and are doing what we were called to DO. I answered that call in 1987. It came in the form of two brothers, who came calling and told me to wake up and get to it. I did and I did. It caused quite a stir in my life, the lack of understanding or willingness to allow me to align to it was to continue for a long while and I found the challenges character building to say the least. I had to let go of many people, places and behaviors that hindered my answering my call. The gifts given in the answer far out weighed the losses though and I celebrate them daily. I am grateful I was available to take the call, and give my attention to my answer every single day. Are you called to do, be or go?? If you think you are, you are. Get a notebook, and write down what comes to you. Instructions are being handed out, and keeping records of yours will refill our library with interesting stories for our grandchildren someday. Being called now, you are all being called now, listen and you will hear/here exactly what to do next.

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