Thursday, September 8, 2016

Silently waiting in the wings!

My HAWK, my me, in the higher version of my being on earth, has silently waited in the wings, or maybe on her wings, of her vision of a new world. I soar above the wastelands of our human existence and wait. I am not very patient, so I do distract myself with lessor tasks so that I can hold back. I have been charged now with an energy of striking the light here with the vision of a better way of life that nature can and will support fully. In the beginning, the Creator put four colors of humans in four directions, with four elements, and said GO AND LEARN THIS WELL AND IN THE FINAL DAYS OF SEPERATION, COME BACK TOGETHER AND TELL YOUR LESSONS AND SHARE YOUR SUCCESS WITH ALL OF MY CHILDREN. That has taken us a long time. Now we are ready, so Ollie Ollie oxen free!!!! Everyone who has a light, a gift, a story, a song, come out from where ever you are and share with us!!! Lights are on and we are home, ready and waiting for the big reunion and reconnection!

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