Saturday, September 10, 2016

Dakota Access Pipeline, read the books, know the stories

The pipeline worker says, HEY LADY, I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT BOOK IS, BUT YOU ARE ENCHANTED, YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR AURA! I was reading the book about Whitestone Hill, a senseless massacre of native families, who had gathered for a pre-winter hunt. Killing kids, dogs, horses, elders and women, and destroying 500,000 lbs of buffalo jerky were their final results. OH, and 28 of their guys, who they sent in to shake hands and makes friends. Just simply as collateral damage to the politics of the leaders were those innocent men. No one is safe when the few rule the many. The elite class has been revealed and all of us, and I mean all of us, which ever side you are on need to look at what we have sacrificed and simply now, say NO! Community, communion, reconnection and solidarity are where we need to hold our focus, no less will get the job done. Put down your fears, your losses, your ignorance and move into the family of light.

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