Thursday, September 29, 2016

Choices, all you get, is to choose, the greatest power of all

Memories, the book of you. The knowledge stored in the chips of experiences brought to life by CHOICES! As a little one, each step is designed to be guided, by one accountable for your safety and growth. They choose which way you would go. They can hold your hand, or let you try on your own. OR they can ditch you all together and let chance handle your development. I have seen it done all three ways. When you are hand held your whole life, you never get to fly free. When you are left to chance, most often your choices get used by someone else, and they shape your reality by choosing for YOU. Then there is the one who watches vigilantly over you and catches you when you stumble. They choose to see that the ways of your choosing have healthy outcomes, good or not so good. My girls were given choices from the beginning. I would set out three outfits and say CHOOSE ONE. I would put three kinds of food on their highchair tray and say CHOOSE. I would say, how does that make you feel? When their choices were tough. I also taught that freewill could choose Divine Will, and in prayer, ONCE said, their was that opportunity to hear/here another's choice. All we get here is CHOICE. It is an awesome gift from the Universe, and it is not taught here to empower you. Time to choose to change that, now more than ever before, YOU CHOOSE the OUTCOME>>>>>>>> I am.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Five Grand Pianos

Five, the number of change!!! Grand piano, the expression of pure grand harmony. And last night I dreamed they were in my basement. The subconscious part of my human being human. Playing the piano for me is a lifelong gift. I have two, an old upright and a white baby grand. I play them both. One is in my barn house and one in my log house. In my dreams I see the future. I know that is a gift and I unwrap it every day. Those grand pianos, in the basement of my consciousness were always there. Yet in my dream I was delighted to rediscover them and show them to others. Then, I found the one under the covering, and it was the grandest of all. And as I pulled back the cover and showed it's incredible beauty to those watching, we all, even me, gasped at such a wonderful instrument. Then I said, wow, I forgot this one was even here!! To those here who have remained on the Gaia Star, the Great Earth Mother, for this time of awakening and the new age, welcome. We have made it. Today marks the beginning of the Golden time of connecting and healing our world. Avatars walk among men, look to them for coaching, support and enjoy the fact that all is as planned, and yes, Creator is smiling. Now let me go play my pianos!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

If not YOU, WHO?

Leaving things unattended, unfinished or simply neglected will work for this world no longer. Thinking that someone else will finish it, pick it up, clean it up or be accountable for what is YOURS to do is now to end. Those in that reality will stay there, and be unattended, unpaid, and even unemployed and left out. Only when we all do our part, and make sure every single detail is attended to properly and completely, will this world and their world upgrade. YOU, yes YOU are the one you were looking for all along! YOU, not Su, YOU!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Aim, AND FIRE! In the light of flash you will see!

The target of your focus, your words, your arrow, becomes you. Your thoughts, words and deeds become you. You are given a great and wondrous ability to see long distances and sailors will tell you, once a vision of the shore is available the trip there is short AND DIRECT. On horseback I tell my riders to look at their destination, not their horse, not the ground, not me, their destination! Lift thine eyes. I know when someone sees me, they see light, that is my job. Sometimes that light became a target, and that was OK, because that is how they focus on my world. Only when you take me into your site, can you get close to me and my amazing reality. An appointment will do, sometimes others do it in other ways, all good. My guardians tell me who and when and what is next, so no surprises for me. This is the greatest gift ever, and learning it and using it for your evolution here is incredible. So take aim at the outcome you desire now! See it and be it. I AM THAT I AM.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sacred sites/sights

I see them every day. You are a sacred, actually very sacred, site. I go to them on the Earth too, and do ceremony that honors our Great Mother and her efforts here. They deserve the acknowledgement and the honor of that small gift. I use sage, tobacco, my pipe, my flute and my words of affection. I stand in awe, I sit in quiet contemplation and I extend the feeling of gratitude, the same way I offer my gifts to YOU when you come as a client of THE HAWC. I believe that the energy we share in unity quickly grows. That is why certain places, times and behaviors do not attract me any longer. I have no wish to grow some things. I go where there is hope, beauty, kindness and those who see it and extend it too. Today Glenda and Matt will be my sacred sites, and I will honor them the way I know how! You, do the same to something or someone too, and our world will raise her eyes/I's and smile at us all. She is as sacred as it gets and we belong to her, honor her, for the Mother she is and we will heal this planet quickly.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

You are free to go....

That is what was said to me today. You are free to go. So I went, out the door and down the road. The old garbage and those who live in it and with it can stay wherever they want to. You and I are now free to live in harmony and peace and with no toxic garbage in our life!! Thanks Universe, I am free and go I shall!

Monday, September 19, 2016


I do math in everything I do, I do numerology in every thing I do. It permeates our very reality. Is in my piano, my money, my days, my risks, my head knows math. Odds are you know some too. Do you count your steps, look at your watch or check the scale in your bathroom? Do you wait, by counting the days until......? Math is the basis for all that we are and will become. To know this, and then to know the math of the day, makes it easier. My friend Janet and I always laugh when a 6 day shows up, the math of those days is weird and rather sketchy, and in comparison to all the other numbers the least known by either of us. Today, 9-19-2016 is a 1 day. This is a day for a fresh start, a new approach, looking for an open door and taking a step up or in is all about today. I am in it to win it and using my math and knowing it and using it for my highest good and the highest good of all, is a great gift! It gets me to where I want to be. Ready to get there too?? Learn numerology, it is God's math, and he wrote the book.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Star Knowledge - ready or not, it is real

The sun and the moon are driving the tides. The tides of earth, ebb and flow, sometimes they crash and clear the beaches. It is real and we live by that energy and because of it too. I often wonder how people do not know this, or have an interest in it. Are we not made of water?? Is water not the element that supports a human in every way. With it we are healthy, flexible and in the flow of energy. Electricity otherwise known as your heart beat, flows easily through water! If you do not believe me, stand in a pool with a lightening storm and see how you feel. So if water is us and the tides are totally responsive to the sun and moon and the cycles they offer, then why are you not? Astrology, astronomy, and that star knowledge is here for us to know we are part of a very large galaxy, with a very energetic result. To be in the know, or have that knowledge, and then to use your knowing, your will, intuition and personal biology in a big way is very important now, for you personally and the whole world too. KNOW this and flourish in the influence of water. It responds to the stars, the sun and the moon, water is US, water is YOU. Oil is not. Time to know the difference and align with that that makes us healthy and whole. My family name is Cloud, do you think I know a little about water?? If I did not, I would not exist.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

I can't make you, nor shall I take you

I will however ask you to join me. Joining me is a freewill choice to upgrade your knowledge of health, wellness and joyfully expressing that in many many ways. And yes, I do occasionally eat cake and other tempting treats. I rarely comment when someone else does. It is the choices that make this life what it is. I have made many, some the best yet, some not the best yet. It is the fun of it. I am a traveling ball of light and shining my light in places where I can take others with me, is my greatest gift. Ask my kids, I rarely ever make them, and yes, sometimes I take them, but only when they decide it is right for them. Same goes for you too. Join me, it is a lot of fun.

In your dreams!

The people of earth dream. They sleep and they dream, they meditate and they dream, they get bored and they dream. Little kids do that a lot. Especially in school or church, I sure did. So in the gift of the dream what do we receive? A picture, like it was on TV. An old movie, or a new day. Abstract or in metaphor and sometimes in very real terms. I dream awake and asleep. I share my dreams with lots of people, it is how I became the Susan of today. First I dreamed me, then I let my dreams come true. So in light of the full harvest moon and the new season of fall, dream in the quiet of the changing season. Who are you? What are you doing? Do balance and harmony underline your days, is full power your goal? I try to see my dreams clearly and take what I need into real time and real life. It is a free gift of creation and memories needed to move ahead, and the people of earth need to DREAM now. Life full of love and laughter and light! Dream on, dream on!!

Friday, September 16, 2016

In a GOOD way only

There is no future if what is being said and done is not GOOD and RIGHT and in BALANCE. Not perfect, there is no perfect here, but there is progress. If you are making progress in a good way, stay and help us now. If your progression is toxic, addicted, violent, or simply too lazy or tired to do something GOOD, please get on the bus waiting for you now. Close your eyes and click your heels and you will be transported to the place where you belong. I am not kidding. This world has an urgent need for the do-gooders to do good now. Our water, our air and our land is being taken and destroyed, and our children will be left with nothing good, if we all do not get together and do good for our planet. Time to do every single thing we do, in a good way. Stop polluting your body, your streets, your relationships and we can shift this. It will take every single one of us now, no bystanders allowed. You are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem, freewill again, use it. Time is very short, and good is the only solution now.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


I was the subject of many secrets. A secret weapon of whole health, a secret friend, a secret advisor to many people. I have now given up that role, and being revealed for the truth of who and how I am is a sweet relief to me. I have had moms say fix my kid but don't tell my husband, and I have suitors say, be my sweetheart, but don't tell my wife!! This to me, is non-sense. I always say no thanks, not today, not ever. In truth, there are no secrets. The view from the HAWC, is full and clear and all is exposed. If you like secrets, gossip, criticism you are now not welcome here. No longer will the world trade their resources behind closed doors in secret meetings. If you can not demonstrate every thought word and deed in front of God and every body else, you are going to need to move on now. No more secrets, not now, not ever again.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Your money and your mouth - powerful tools of creation

They say to put your money where your mouth is, and I agree. If we would speak our truth, real truth, authentic feelings about the world and our place in it, and add energy of support, money, help and positive perspective, we would change this whole place really fast. I AM THAT I AM, IT IS TRUE. Who are you and where is your voice? We need to join our voices in loving concern for a planet nearly extinct, dying before our very eyes. If you are interested in the future of this planet, step up, get involved, go to places to assist in taking care of this world, her water is the real gold, and as soon as we all know that, all this foolish toxic behavior will stop. When we explore space, the first thing we look for is WATER!! Life is water and if you did not know that, now you do. Go tell someone else now.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

No followers, just catch up and be at our side now- partnership now, brotherhood forever.

I am not a leader, I never was, nor do I wish to be. I am a partner, equal and balanced with the gifts I bring in relationship to the gifts others bring. No more, no less. I share well, always have. It has given me a career, and a very energetic life. I know that there are followers out there, waiting for their leader or their savior to say something. It is not how this works. There are those in power who fooled those wishing someone would take control, not realizing that that is the problem. Then they also charged you money for that control. Wake up, keep your money! Use it for your world now. Take control, power, taking care of yourself, your land, your energy, your whole world - that is YOUR job!! Please catch up, we need partners, willing to do the work we do. This world, these children, your health and our future, all need you - whole, happy and in stride. Followers need not apply.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday morning new choices

Weeks begin with Monday morning light. A fresh start, a new week, and choices, so many choices. I told my friend Michelle this past weekend that I give away earrings. I buy pretty ones and wear them, and when someone comments that they see them as lovely, I give them to them and say thank you for noticing and saying so. It is a way of promoting seeing on this planet. If you can see something around my face, that makes you pause and comment in a nice and good way,I will acknowledge that willing spirit with a gift. Kids, animals and even nature has always responded to this kind of loving training. Adults are pretty tight, and will hold back and stay silent, which is how we get bullied around here. SPEAK! Say positive, loving, funny, enlightening things to one another. Be more involved with your words, and notice others shining close to you. If you choose to, you may be rewarded with a smile, a new friend, or even a nice pair of earrings. Monday morning, fresh start, new week, try something new.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Dakota Access Pipeline, read the books, know the stories

The pipeline worker says, HEY LADY, I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT BOOK IS, BUT YOU ARE ENCHANTED, YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR AURA! I was reading the book about Whitestone Hill, a senseless massacre of native families, who had gathered for a pre-winter hunt. Killing kids, dogs, horses, elders and women, and destroying 500,000 lbs of buffalo jerky were their final results. OH, and 28 of their guys, who they sent in to shake hands and makes friends. Just simply as collateral damage to the politics of the leaders were those innocent men. No one is safe when the few rule the many. The elite class has been revealed and all of us, and I mean all of us, which ever side you are on need to look at what we have sacrificed and simply now, say NO! Community, communion, reconnection and solidarity are where we need to hold our focus, no less will get the job done. Put down your fears, your losses, your ignorance and move into the family of light.

The library is now open, come on in and grab a book!

Earth, our home, our mother, our foundation and our nourishment, is a living library. Like the strings of an instrument, she carries many different frequencies that have a tone and a message, hear/here them, one note at a time at first. As a child here be enchanted by that first note, learn to dance to it. Then when you are filled with it fully, get another one. Like books in a library, there are a zillion notes. We are here to participate, first to listen, then to study and to learn, and when that is complete, then harmonize they ones we understand and love and want to dance to. No two will do it the same, and that is the glory of the library, it is supposed to be that way. You have a fingerprint to remind you that you are ONE of a KIND and that is how Creator made you. SO You do you and I will do Dr.Su/Sioux. And the harmony of us all together will be more beautiful than we have ever known. Megwich.

Friday, September 9, 2016

The 9-9-9 of now, yes NOW!

In our life, cycles are us. Challenges become our strengths as we hurdle them one after another. My willing spirit and energetic personality gives me the where with all to jump and jump and JUMP! It is fun for me. I do not have the patience not to jump. It entices me every time and when I fly over the hurdle I encounter with the grace of a horse and land solidly on the other side, I have grown again. AND I am delighted. My strength, my courage, my skill sets all benefit from clearing hurdle after hurdle in these lives here. I have the 9's in my numerology in every aspect of my math of life this time around. I was given a clue and a hurdle, it told me that I came for completions. I do not drag things out, or hold a grudge. I just move ahead. To know I came, lived, loved and learned for the 9 days of the calendar, and it offered a focus. To see it to the end was my job. I have done that. Knowing who, how, what and why I am who I am, and where to go from here is a big part of the 9 nine lives of Dr Su/Sioux. Until now, nine was the end here. In our upgrade of light and a future that really looks bright, we can add in 10, 11, and 12 too now if we so desire. I choose that. So today I will celebrate completion. It was foretold to me before I came. I did it!! Now let's do better, together in the 10 of a new age of peace, community and reunion. Namaste' to all who came for the upgrade.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Silently waiting in the wings!

My HAWK, my me, in the higher version of my being on earth, has silently waited in the wings, or maybe on her wings, of her vision of a new world. I soar above the wastelands of our human existence and wait. I am not very patient, so I do distract myself with lessor tasks so that I can hold back. I have been charged now with an energy of striking the light here with the vision of a better way of life that nature can and will support fully. In the beginning, the Creator put four colors of humans in four directions, with four elements, and said GO AND LEARN THIS WELL AND IN THE FINAL DAYS OF SEPERATION, COME BACK TOGETHER AND TELL YOUR LESSONS AND SHARE YOUR SUCCESS WITH ALL OF MY CHILDREN. That has taken us a long time. Now we are ready, so Ollie Ollie oxen free!!!! Everyone who has a light, a gift, a story, a song, come out from where ever you are and share with us!!! Lights are on and we are home, ready and waiting for the big reunion and reconnection!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The timid

Hiding in the shadows, they wait for relief and their chance at life here. I have seen them all of my life. Children of all ages, left out or behind by parents who were just as timid and fearful as their children. Heroes were rare, and saviors were owned by churches and politics. Entry to those realms of protection was charged, if not money then other precious commodities were taken. Abuse of power led to rape and pillage of that which was personal and for the use of that individual, not to be stolen or even tampered with. Most barely had enough to live, let alone give, or protect themselves or their families. I have watched the auras of those who tamper, steal, lie and think they are getting away with it. It is time now for their full exposure. The timid have waited for their time to shine, to be seen and to show their gifts to the world. That time has now arrived. Enjoy the show, they are something very special and have saved the best for now!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Warning to the Dapl Guards/law enforcement.

I was at the pipeline for three days, this is true, there was no conflict, no guns, no bombs. There was drumming, flutes, fans and lots of good food and loving support for this effort to protect this water. If you need more data, go and bring food, water and wood, I did. I will do it again and again for this is our world and we must now protect her for our children, time is short, very short. Thank you Angels, Aliens and Ancestors!! You are welcome and needed now. Dr. Su/Sioux

I am the STORM!

I posted this... the Devil whispered in my ear, better be careful of the storm, I whispered back I AM THE STORM! I am. I always have been. It is the gift of earthlings living earth life, storms that clear the debris, old, out dated, and in need of new life. I know that sometimes I appear harsh and cold in my direct way, yet as a storm of lightening and wind and water, clearing is what first must occur and that comes with direct truth and clarity and honesty. Respect the storm. STORMS ARE US, OUR WORLD IS ABOUT TO DEMONSTRATE HER STORMS AND OUR STORMS TOGETHER, AND THE POWER OF THE CLEARING OF THE OLD STENCH OF SLAVERY, OF DELUSION, OF TOXIC FOOD, WASTE AND WATER, and all the loss it created through separating us. THOSE WILL SOON ALL BE JUST OLD STORIES TO TELL OUR GRANDCHILDREN AROUND A WARM INIVITING FIRE, OF NEW LIGHT and LOVE HERE. HOLD ON!!

Indigo children and their star children

I was once called to Orange county California to meet other indigo people. The ones who called us tog ether, wanted to film us speaking of our knowing and doing, in that indigo specific realm of living. We agreed, and when we arrived and tried it, the universe vetoed it. Three Hollywood cameras broke in three days. NO FILMS were made then. At the end of the meeting, we all sat and smiled that those we know well, in the position of overview were able to tell us, clearly, we had to wait a little bit longer. So we went home, to Wisconsin, central america, Russia, and other distant spots and resumed our indigo lives. I have lived with a lively very indigo view of things all my life, and a fierce spirit to defend my positioning. I am not here to change YOU, I am here to upgrade me. My girls were the gift of my lively spirit in that upgrade of life here. They are the true and vibrant legacy of the Indigos race. We broke systems of degradation, so they could root and grow in peace with love and harmony. If you knew that your gift, your fruit, your children were your reason for being born here, what would do differently? I would do exactly what I do, work on solutions, in the light, and for the love of the world. Look around, you are exactly where you were meant to be, where are your children?

Sunday, September 4, 2016

star family - where are you from?

This is a giant universe, lots live here. We are one tiny spark of light and dark. Our lands and seas are currently the subject of much desire. Some desire to heal it, others to harvest it. Some are even trying to milk it dry. This has happened before on other worlds. It was the ending to a tale that started the same exact story here. I know some of those stories. In response, think with your center, your heart knows. Let the feelings of how this should proceed begin in the middle not from the end, or even the beginning. We are in it, and to decide what is right and just and fruitful, the balance must be first established. Go to your center, close your eyes and allow the feelings. Sort through. We are looking for positive, loving, self and world preserving ideas. Radical is not the way to heal, rip, cut, drug or burn, and there will be nothing left to decide about. You first, heart first. It is the only, next in a good way choice. Namaste'

Friday, September 2, 2016


If you are, then ask yourself, why AM I blocked. I deal with blockage in the body. It causes back up, inflammation and early termination. I see death in the greying of the auric field, I have watched it many times. It is caused by blockage, that has caused a reroute of life. Sometimes back to source it goes. If you do not know what is blocking you, or how to fix it, find help, ask around. There are so many ways to get unblocked. My suggestion is to first apologize. Start by apologizing to yourself. Say how sorry you are that the blockage was created. Tell this to your body, your family, your friend. Blockage is an ending, decide now if that is really what you desire. It is always a choice.

Know and NO the law of life here, now

It is it's own language. My attorney is my friend, and long ago he said, do you know the language of the law and how it rules life here? I said I do not. I would appreciate your translations. We have had a long and prosperous friendship. I know now to say NO, instead of I don't know. I don't know is an oxymoron, a double negative and it serves no one here. If you do not know, then say NO. Pause for a moment, take the time you need to respond not quickly or overly react. This is prudent and supportive in every aspect of your reality. I see the pain that comes from confusion, I feel the frustration that results from not knowing, or no-ing. It takes self love and great courage to look someone straight in the eyes and say NO, not now. Maybe not ever. Pause, reflect, require answers to your not knowing. Tell the truth, say I DO NOT KNOW, so therefore I shall simply say NO for now. It is a new day for Dr. SU, in that way, I have not ever said no. I learned it though!!! And I am very happy that I have.