Tuesday, April 22, 2014

LIstening very care - fully

What does it mean to care fully? It matters, which means it becomes 3-D, something palpable on the earth plane that you will encounter. When someone talks, I listen. It must be very CARE full, so that what we create as team is what we both truly desire. When someone uses their words reck wreck lessly, it creates a wreck. That we try to avoid with a vision of hopes, wishes and dreams overlighting the reality of what the Zyto Bioenergetic test says and what their aura reveals as they speak in my office. It is a wonderful way to see what needs to be heard, care - fully and then determine under the light of love and potential what the next outcome can be. Listen to your self. Hear your words, tape them if you need to, or as Mike did show me a past text series that revealed his words and another's too. This is a wonderful way to reveal the darkness still present and make the changes necessary and needed to move into to the light we ultimately all desire and deserve now.

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