Friday, September 28, 2012

Full Moon - look it up

We are about to change channels now. The Earth and her inhabitants have wanted this for a long time. This moon is a clicker. Some will feel the shift with relief, others will feel a shattering. Both are just fine. There comes a time when we are moved and changed whether we like it or not. If you like it and want it - set it up for yourself. Open up and be grateful for the upgrade! Listen and learn and let go freely of your past. If you think you can stay the same and endure it - good luck to you too. I for one am ready willing and able and excited!! I see the dawn of the new day on the horizon and I am pumped! Happy full and magical moon to us all this weekend.

Coming into your own now- Heroes everywhere

We have always been taught that there is or will be a Savior. Someone, like a giant hero that will show up and make things right. For sure you know that don't you?? The deal is though, that that hero is you! You are the brave, the strong, the enlightened. There was an attempt to take your power away and we are foiling it. The food we were being served poisoned us, along with the flouride and the amalgams and vaccinations and other drugs. There is a mass awakening now to that plot. The experimentation on our kids is stopping under the influence of caring loving hero like parents. Brave and clear minded. Not those who are bought off or paid to fool you. Then the religious zealots who pit you against other humans in an attempt to use your power as theirs. While behind closed doors again doing unspeakable things to our kids. Finally the corporate hounds who buy up the land like they own it and prevent it from following it's natural course, which is to nourish humanity. Native Americans have taught us that NO MAN OWNS THE LAND OR THE SKY. We are ONE RACE, humans. All together now as a community we can heal ourselves and our kids, and take back our world.. Heroes rising up everywhere, taking on the Bullies and the cheaters and the Doom and gloomers. Glad they finally showed up - how about you?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Looking at us from US, the higher view of you by you

When you look back or look over you, what do you look like?? Do you like what you see?? I have had a lot of time to look back and look ahead, I also am pretty dang good at looking from above down onto my life and my adventures. For a very long time I was rather quiet. That is not my natural way of being, I recently became rather loud, which is also not me. My idea of who and what I want to be and how, is balanced. Noisy only when necessary, but never again sidelined. My deal is if it isn't fun do not do it. I need to stick to that now more than ever. I know we deserve more than we take, we were taught as children to be seen and not heard, then again as women. Now is the time to completely discard that old foolishness, and be SEEN and HEARD. Make a plan for who and how you intend to be, what will you look like, how much will you weigh, who will you spend precious moments with and what will be the footprint after you leave. This is the time for focus on this new you. I have defended myself since I was a little girl, enough of that. If someone doesn't agree with or even like me, that's OK, I don't agree with or like everyone either. It is ok, but those are the ones I will not spend precious moments with, there are just too many special times and special people out there and now is the time to look and choose and live the way I want to. Let's have some fun, we are all special in our own way! Namaste' Dr. Su

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ask your kids...

If you want to know the TRUTH about something, just ask your kids. They love you best and will take advantage of an opportunity to clear the air, shine a light or simply add to an already great relationship. My girls have always told me their truth and I always paid attention to it. I still did things my own way, but not without consideration. I also knew they were not ever trying to hurt me or my feelings, although sometimes we disagreed. I am a free spirit and that can be difficult for others who think I should be more grounded. Ask my x husband! We are trying to come together now forming community and family around very broken pasts. Many people have multiple divorces and shattered lives because roots have been uprooted over and over again. Our kids have a view, a lifetime of history with you and a voice that speaks with love overlighting other data and maybe some opinions or complaints. I check in with those beautiful ladies and sometimes don't like what they say, but I still need to know how they feel. They are MY roots. My family of origin was not rooted and that was hard. No family trips as adults or up north together time. We need that!! It gives us strength and hope. It hurts us to be alone or left out. I know that for a long time I included everyone in everything, I love that - the more the merrier. Then I got tired of no one else doing it and I just quit. So today just ask your kids, whatever age they are, how they see things and what they need in relation to YOU! It could be the greatest advice you ever receive! For sure it will be the most honest. And NO CHARGE. PS: Listen, be quiet and DO NOT DEFEND ANYTHING, take notes and then absorb it SO YOU CAN SINK IN DEEPER ROOTS.

Energy medicine - what is it??

I have used an EAV machine to analyze people's energy systems for over 20 years. It is a device that saved my life back in the 80's and I knew it would help alot of others too. I learned to use it well and many recoveries has been initiated under the guidance of the body directly. It truly gives the body a voice and I am a very good listener. That is what energy medicine does. It tells the flow and the stuck points, it shows the inflammation and the degeneration. I always work on the worst stuff first, and that normally correlates with the symptoms people complain of. It is acupuncture meets Star Trek. It took alot of practice and there is a special touch needed to be a master at this. Now we have new devices that are easier to work and just as amazing and you can have one in your own home - hooked up through your computer to ME and my amazing remedies. I have lived healthy and fit for all of my nearly 55 years, especially since this came into my life. My daughters also have great tales to tell about the health they have from our home remedies and our testing device. We have stayed ahead of break downs by being checked and worked on before the crisis could occur, I have helped many people avoid trouble with this way of testing. From teeth to spine to organs to hormones and also emotions, this checks them all. Alot of you will benefit dramatically from this, call to order your hook up, it is a hand cradle that links you to me through your computer. Cool, huh. I loved Star Trek and now I LIVE IT TOO. Here's to a future filled with unending wellness for us all!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The wolves take only the weak and unprotected

Wolves walk in two worlds at once, here and there, all at the same time. People fear them because their job is to clean up around here. They love the weak and unprotected enough to return them to Source, rather than allow them to have a life of suffering here. I saw a video of a wolf pack taking down a baby buffalo, it had to have been weak or ill or unprotected or that never would have occurred. The interesting part of the video came when the Bull Buffalo appeared. I thought, oh great, now the baby will be saved. Instead the buffalo killed the baby instantly with one swift blow, giving it a chance at life in the next dimension where it would safe and healthy and protected. Wolves have the job no one wants, kind of like the undertaker. Who will see me through this?? Who will walk me from the darkness and the pain into the light, wolves do that for nature. Let them be who they were meant to be. It is a very spiritual lesson for humans to learn, knowing when to save and when to let go altogether. Only in death is there life, we have been taught that by the Masters over and over again, will we ever learn??

When the darkness comes...

As a child I watched my father die, as an adult I watched as my partner's mother died. I always see the departures and arrivals. When someone is pregnant I see the souls in the air making their initial connections, bringing the light of a new soul to our world. That is how I see it - darkness and light. I saw a guy's light go grey and knew he was walking the fine line between here and there. The next day he suffered a massive heart attack but survived. Choice was made. Over and over and over choices made to add light or slip into darkness. That is how this thing works. Is it a psychic gift?? No not really, it is simply an awareness and the acknowledgment of that awareness. It is like focusing with bleary eyes. Auric energy, like the dawn or the sunset - real but not touchable. You all have that energy surrounding you. You choose your own colors every minute of every day. I see who is feeling, or thinking or doing what, just by the color of their aura. I do not judge, I do not tell unless I am asked and I do not give it a thought really unless it encroaches into my space. Darkness can do that you know. It has tentacles like an octopus and a little darkness goes a long way. If you give in to it, have secrets, do wrong or dishonest things, it will eat you up. Cursing is throwing dark words like bombs into the air. Darkness comes from many sources and it is contagious as hell!! It is hell, in every sense, which is simply seperation from light and love. You can do with your light amazing things, see what needs to be done and shine it on a path for others to see, use your face and your eyes and your words in light to shine a smile. That always adds light to the whole thing. Oh Creator of all that is - thank you for my light - let it be bright and strong so I may see my way through easily and happily. How's that for a good start to the light of a new day??? You try it, we need all the light we can get.

How do you want to be treated??

I remember in school as a child feeling sorry for the kid that got in trouble all the time, knowing that their issue was not to cause problems but to simply get some much needed attention. The class clown did the same thing. Teachers would get so tired of the constant pull on their time they became disrespectful and rude. I just hated that. I can understand frustration but not disrespect. I know those kids were lacking in some way and were doing what ever they could think up to get a look or a word even a touch in the form of a hit. We do it with drama, noise, crying wolf, being sick or injured and so forth, all in an effort to just get a LITTLE attention no matter what kind it was. It is so simple to just allow those around to be who and how they are and respect that, although we may not understand it or even like it all. A boy in my 6th grade class had progeria, the aging disease. He looked like an old mishapen man, but he was just 14 yrs old. Full of kid stuff yet. I liked him and he liked me, he wrote me notes and got me into trouble all the time since I would never tell it was him not me. I figured he had enough on his plate. I respected him and his situation. I certainly didn't understand it or like it at all, I thought it was horrible. yet beneath that wrinkly skin was a kid just like me. Somehow I knew that. I honored him in every way I could and for that he loved me. He died after that. I know that lesson taught me alot. Respect and honor are required now if we are to live peacefully and lovingly. I may not understand or like your situation, your words, your choices, but I will respect your right to be who and how you want to be without criticism or fear. You be you and I will be me - the same only different. Now that is something to love and love cures all things and endures all things too. Take a breath and try respect for awhile I think we will be pleasantly surprised at the outcome. Viva la differance'

Monday, September 24, 2012

The world is our home, how's your housekeeping?

Look at your own home today, it is a reflection of YOU! Kids reflect us, animals reflect us and our environment does too. I want us all to look closely at each of our homes and yards today and see what it is that we can do better and what we deserve a pat on the back for. I helped sell rain barrel raffle tickets yesterday at the art fair and saw the beautiful people who knew this was a good gamble. 5 bucks for a handpainted rain barrel that would conserve water and protect our beautiful river from toxic run off. Water represents emotion. How do you conserve it, use it and take care to keep it pure? It is 80 percent of your biology and the motion and flexibility of you in every way. Fear locks it up, poisons the body with rigidity, makes people react with anger and defense. Flexible healthy people do not need to get mad or afraid, they simple chart another course, like water. They clean it up. Look at the home you live in and see where it flows and where it is stuck or clutterd, use a Feng Shui chart to set it up better, and get rid of everything that you haven't used in a year, give it away. See water, use it correctly, clean out the corners of your house and your life, and to your body too and the flow you seek will turn on like it has never been shut off or diverted. YOU CHOOSE. Then apply this to our world - and hurry it needs us now! Email for your raffle ticket, handpainted and signed barrels!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


ALL BEHAVIORS ARE CHOSEN. You respond according to choice first, then programming, beliefs taught, experiences logged and also genetically inputed. Attract or repel, healthy or sick, rich or poor, nice or naughty, honest or cheating - every single time a choice. I looked back to see the trail littered with choices that humanity made that I see now they regret. Extinction of species - a huge regret - a colossal mistake and happening right now before our eyes. Kids with high light energy are dying here. Autism and other disorders on the spectrum are the legacy chosen by people. Whether you want to blame choices on another or not - you are still make them every day too. I know not to put mercury in my body, I choose that. I know not to vaccinate myself or eat GMO foods. I know that when I do those things, I regret the choice. I get sick or worse I get angry. Look around and choose better now. Choose nice, healthy, whole. Choose self first then kids and nature and then other grown ups. You are a walking ball of choices - spewing energetically in every direction. Spew happy light loving energy please. If not possible - stay home.

Out on the edge

We are at the edge now. Fly, ride or jump! It is up to you, looks spooky but it is really a step in faith - close your eyes and click your heels together - it worked for DOROTHY! SEE YOU SOON!

Rainbow - Illusion or reality?

As I walked out the door to the conference on Friday, there was a double rainbow in my front yard! Both ends right there in front of me and a paler second rainbow right next to it. I have rainbows in my life all the time. I looked in the dictionary, it calls it "illusionary hope" - like chasing rainbows. HUM..... Is that what I do? Do I chase rainbows? Yes I do, always have and hope I always will. I know that the storms we endure will produce a rainbow if only we give it time to clear and then let the sun shine through it. I see them as a promise, like God gave us after the flood. A promise saying, no more floods like this one, I PROMISE and here's a rainbow to seal the deal. WORKS FOR ME. I KNOW THAT THEY ARE REAL, I SEE THEM. THEY ARE ON MY BUSINESS CARDS AND IN MY YARD. Do I believe in promises? I sure do, and I make them too. I promised my girls that they would never endure, while I was alive, a health care system that I learned was not in their best interest, being their only option for wellness. I went to school, took tests, read books, attended seminars and I have made good on that promise for 22 years now. They are the beneficiaries of that promise, that illusionary but very real rainbow. What are your promises, what rainbows do you chase?? Health, happiness and horses are mine!!

There comes the light at the end of the tunnel

Look up and you will see it now. The end of the tunnel is near and there is light there and you will soon stumble out into it. This tunnel has been long and tight and murky for many. The light is the promise of a new day and a clean and healthy world. Eden was the orignal idea and Eden it shall be again. I have my mini Eden where I live and work. My farm is perfect in every way, healthy and happy animals everywhere, and buildings that smile with eyes that watch the world. Our horses entertained a group of boys yesterday and when I asked what they liked best about the bareback rides, they say the whole thing was the BEST! I agreed this whole experience is the best. Look outside today and make sure your yard and the plants are happy and nourished. Make sure today you make time for your pets, clean up their area, throw the ball, clean the litter box and then tell them how much their presence means to you. That is how to create Eden, one little place at a time. We choose. If you have an extra minute, help some one else, I am going to sell rain barrel raffle tickets at the Art Fair in Hudson on the St. Croix River at the park. We are saving our river, but saving our run off and using it better. I was just told that you can not do that in Colorado. SAD! It is our world, our Eden and you are here to create it and enjoy it - I AM!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Aren't you sick of being sick???

I guess we are still liking it or it would be on the way out. That is how it feels to me, that even though I am way out there, I am healthy and fit and happy and I had to do it myself without drugs or any other addictive helpers! I knew when I was young that something changed for me in the 5th grade. I got my first filling and my life spiraled downward. First not sleeping was the deal. For hours I would lay awake and get totally freaked out by that, then I started getting into trouble and felt angry and then I started breaking bones,I broke 4 that year alone. I now know the bones are where we carry our own library and I needed to look this UP!! I do not want any of us feeling sick or sad or mad or totally freaked out either. Addiction to other things is another result of not fitting in to our own skin, we feel that the stimuli in the new behavior keeps us distracted for awhile. I see it in thieves and addicts and bullies too. This is going to change now with the revelations of a way that needs to slip into the " passed". Learn about your chemistry, your DNA, your daily input and then examine your daily output and tell me what you know for sure. If I can help you with an assessment of your body with teeth and spine included, call me! That is what I do!! We deserve a great life now, enough of the other way! Let's be all that we were designed to be!!! I love this!

Dental data brings the tooth truth!!

ioamt convention in mpls today, this is changing the face of health in america now. these practitioners know how important healthy dentistry is and are striving to share info about a shift that will change this toxic profession forever. flouride class yesterday taught the toxic effects of this poisonous substance - run from it and keep it away from your kids for sure!! amalgam or silver fillings - soon to be illegal for the destruction of the environment is largely a result of this issue - not to mention your personal health is at risk! root canals - deadlier than either of the above - ask those who are sick or dying - if they have a root canal? you will be shocked at the answer and this is totally fixable!! thyroid diease a huge result of these issues, again with the fat, the depressed, the adhd and the other toxic responses to a low poisoned thyroid. good classes yesterday - let's see what today brings!!

Liver gallbladder flush - just do it!!

People are so toxic and grumpy and fat and unhappy about it all. We teach the liver - gall ballder flsuh and recommend it often. Call thehawc at 715-426-7350 and get the directions and ingredients and you will never be the same.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Showing up is not enough!

Seven billion souls have showed up for this event. Some to watch, some to interfere and some to participate. I personally have done a little of all those things. Interfering only with my own progress, watching a lot of what goes on and NOW ready, able and willing to be in the action of it all. Joining with others to light the day with new ideas and partnerships that will make this adventure all it can be. I wanted to be saved or loved or healed or whatever, just like everyone does. I learned that that has to be my own work and my own choice and it takes effort and focus. We have all the tools. We have all the directions. We have each other too. So if you think just by being here that that is enough, you will miss out on the action part of this process and unltimately when we have catapulted ourselves in our beautiful future, you will still be standing here, wondering where every body went. Speak up!! Say what and who you want!! Where do you want to go and with whom?? Become brave and worthy all in the same moment and see who moves in step with you!! The law of attraction is hotter than it has ever been because people know it exists and are using it to get thier dreams to come true today!! I am ready now, how about you - tell it like you want it, say it out loud where we can hear you, be passionate, be clear, be positive, the outcome depends on it. You are the maker and breaker of your own realities and dreams. Invest - first in loving yourself and then loving the whole enchilada!! I think this is when the fun starts! And I am all in!!! Are YOU!?

countdown Birth or rebirthday??

My birthday is 12-20, right by Christmas. I love that. The whole month is about celebrating. I am right in the middle of those celebrations. This year I have a special date right next door on both sides, the 12-12-12 and the 12-21-2012. I am the birthday winner with the 12-20-2012! I teach to use the 30 days before your birthday to clear old junk and use the 30 days after to RE-CREATE Your life. It is easier going with the flow of your personal vibe. I am now conscious of the 90 day cycle for myself and yesterday began a clearing that will take me new heights in these next 90 days. I had a ring stuck on my hand for a long time, yesterday it came off!! Hallelujah. I feel as though that is the beginning of much of what will simply slip off and leave me to me. This is an amazing gift for us all. The timing of the end of time is so energetic and has so much value and potential. I teach re-write your sacred contract classes. I know that in Nov. I will teach that series again for those - who like me - choose Re-brith on my birthday this year!! Happy Rebrithday to us all - let's get clear and focused!

Dental Convention Today in Mpls Mn IOAMT

For many years my work with Bio energetics and detecting imbalances in the body I have been directed to the teeth! Over and over again I find, toxic amalgam fillings poisoning unsuspecting people. The teeth are fracturing from the pressure of the expansion of the mercury in those fillings. The mineral of mercury leaching constantly and ruining thyroids, livers, kidneys and BRAINS! Infertility, mental instablility, metabolic disorder, rage and indigestion are just the tip of the iceberg. Cleaning the teeth and restoring the proper mineral balance to the body results in nothing less than miraculous recovery. Cancer leaves, babies come, autoimmune disorders disappear and on it goes. Then there is the crisis of root canals. When we are disarmed by a root canal and the signal you would be given that you are in serious danger is quieted the risk GOES off the charts. Heart attacks and strokes are your next signal that something is terribly wrong. Learn about your mouth, it is the most complicated organ in the body and it deserves expert care. These dentists in this group are experts and I get to spend the next two days with them learning more about a very exciting field -whole body health!! MY SPECIALITY!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

so sorry to those who I did not understand


You are all invited to the party

I once was invited to a party and when I arrived was told really that I was NOT invited and to go away. I went away. I look now at this big party of the 2012 - end of the Mayan calendar party and realized I have done that to people too. I have invited and then taken back the invite, mostly because I am afraid of what that person brings to the party, always with memories of the PAST/PASSED. In our past here, we have made mistakes, created conflicts and inflicted pain. I do not want the past at my party now. I understand that better than ever. I want the PRESENCE/PRESENTS there only. If I can be present and let go of the old stuff I can celebrate at a new level of joy and peace. That is the new party - community with peace and happiness. Making new healthy loving memories together. In an effort to do better - let's get this party started and you are all invited. Leave your worries and cares at the door and step into the new reality. Now this is something to see and be a part of!! Party on!!

Love, affection and PROTECTION

I see kids every day and grown ups too, who do not have that in their life. It is so necessary for humans to have these three things if they are to flourish. Love is to be without rules or conditions - just available at a never ending rate. Nothing has more potential or power. Affection is the key to humans re-energizing their field. A touch or kiss or hug will change the energy of both upon contact. We need contact!! I shake every single hand of every single person that comes to see me in my clinic for two reasons. First to see what their intention is. I can feel it in their handshake and it flashes into my mind immediately. Second to send them the message that I am here to help them in any way I can and that I can be trusted to be honest and forthcoming with all I know to be true and right. Then there is PROTECTION, the gift of Arch Angel Michael who has guarded and protected me my whole life when the grown ups disappeared or lost their way or became angry and abusive. This is a conflicted planet, mixed messages are constant. It is hard to know where it is safe to be now. Gangs are safe for kids who have no home life, mountaintops for those who trust no one but grizzlies and wolves. Odd how we choose. I would have taken a gang or a mountaintop over my family and homelife as a kid every single time!!! These are the key ingredients to life happy and healthy here. If you do not have these things - then be these things for yourself and others now. Love everything and laugh about the frustrations, be warm and tender and extend your hand, your look, your smile and embrace these people here, then protect all of the innocents, starting with yourself. Choose words that help not curse. Choose sounds and displays that enchant and support. Stay safe in the knowing that all is well and improving although sometimes it does not seem so. Extend your protection to our Earth, her animals and all the children here. Join with others seeking to protect these things as well. This is the greatest way to live and FLOURISH. It starts with you! I am proud that my life gives me the chance every day to do and be loving, affectionate and protective- thank you GOD!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

movie to watch

The Lamp just believe I do

Tough or tender? You choose.

I have always been tough. That's what I thought anyway. I felt abused as a kid and that made me tough as a kid. Although I would rather be with those with a tender heart and tender touch and warm smile, I generally felt more drawn to the tough ones. Those angry in and with their life. It made me feel better about mine. I believe that is a common choice for people. Hang out with those worse off than you are and feel better about your circumstances. Avoid the happy light hearted ones because with them you feel unworthy. As we enter into balance now - simply be who you are. I am actually both things. Tough as nails when I need to be, sweet and helpful too. I think I am fun AND funny and so do my girls. This is the time to be happy with ourselves. No comparison, no ranking, no higher or lower or nicer or tougher. Just us being in community with us. Loving us for us. Let's be who we really are, no one needs to be saved or abused, we are all in control and that's what counts now.

Univ of Minnesota - Home to sell!!

I have a great house at the University of Minnesota. My girls and their friends have shared it for 8 years and it is time for another group to have the same opportunity and great pleasure. It hass 3 bedrooms, new full bathroom and a second one ready to go in the lower level, where I just poured a brand new colored concrete floor. There is a beautiful space there for another apartment. All hardwood floors throughout, bright and sunny and efficient. A gazebo porch in the trees attached to the back of this ivory stucco house. New roof, new garage, new water heater too! We love this corner lot a block from the bus. Full of ferns and flowers and apple trees too! Call me for details - will take offers until Friday. Awesome location and safe community with a community garden right there!!!! 715-426-7350 please share with others, under 200k price makes it a quick sale at today's rates. thanks Dr. Su Drive by if you can - 885 21st Ave SE- one block south of Como. Mpls, MN

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kids deserve your energy! You must be present.

I felt growing up the lack of parents in many ways. I never ever felt safe in my own home. My mother was a drama queen, manic in her ways. either off or on, you never knew. It was a dance on a hot griddle with her. My father died when I was two and she got a new husband. That was tough for me. I needed a buddy with her as my mom, but he was so busy tending to her that we kids were not a priority ever. I made my own testosterone as an answer to that lack of maleness in my life. Then I passed that on to my girls in many ways. It is something to look at now as we have our Virgo new moon teaching us about service. I did service to enchant, to attract, to demonstrate my value. It was a male energy pattern that I did my whole life, even carried my own luggage. I have spent years working through these issues and have come up with the knowing that it is NOT the doing that gets us what we truly desire, it is the BEING that does it. Being of service, I can do, being IN service, that has to stop now! I am a freedom loving gal with a keen eye and a sharp wit and have made being in service doable. OK , NOW ENOUGH of that. Time to partner up with another doer and let the true service begin. The service of LOVE for the sake of LOVE and everything else will fall in order. I love this planet and the only way to help her get back on track is to love our kids, and our world, like they need to be loved, simply because they are HERE! AND WORTH IT! They deserve our energy!! Just like we did. We are the ones who came to fix this, so let's do this together. Namaste' Dr. Su

Saturday, September 15, 2012

so hard to say good bye

letting go is one of my greatest challenges. even when a baby chick dies I cry. it is what i feel and losing energy in the form of friends, animals and our beautiful world is hard for me. i can't stand the negative, it makes me try so hard to cheer it up some how and then i just get tired. it is time now for us all to stop trying and just let go. what will be there will be there, what needs to go away we should let it go with out reservation or resistance. i always know when the universe closes a door, it soon opens a window. here's to windows on a new and healthy and happy future for us all. it is time for peace and freedom and unbridled joy for us all. here's to a new day and brighter one than ever before. let us all create a reality of love and success by not focusing on what is wrong but on what is good and right and balanced. everything else simply walk away from it now. it is our only chance to create a reality we love and can live with forever.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Cooperatives for unified buying

Would you join one for your health care needs. I would. For a long time I have stayed out of main stream medicine because of the way it makes me feel. My whole life it made me feel worried and drugs always made me sicker. It felt cold and uncaring and the waiting was never ending and the news always led to something worse. It was surreal. I felt like it was contrived. Like they would simply make something else up to keep me in the loop. I found out later that that was true. It is a sales arena of massive proportion, like a car dealership, whizzing me from car to car, selling me drugs or preceedures the whole time. Not ever really listening to me. Then there was the guy behind the curtain, the great sort of Oz, who had the final say. YOU LIVE OR DIE DEPENDING ON WHAT HE SAYS THEY ARE GOING TO DO TO YOU, DEPENDING ON MY RESOURCES. How much money was there to take before I EXPIRED?? Wierd, but so often true. If indeed I am going to expire this body, why not let it go peacefully and quietly, why all the massive amounts of treatments at the end and worse, the experiments they claim could help in some way. And no, they are not free either. We need a healing system that offers education and one that teaches accountability. You are the healer of your own body, I am the teacher. You live with you and your choices every day and being sick is a choice, whether made in ignorance or subconsciously it is still a choice. My client feared her little girls health yesterday, said maybe she got an allergy or something worse. We checked and she is simply teething in her 6 yr molars and needed some support with Vit. C amd acidophilus until they are in. Not too tough, but a great relief for the mom!! She said she learns something new everytime she visits us and she had been visiting us for over 12 years now. Let's think cooperatively. I will share on the THE HAWC 's facebook page some cool stuff on health every week. This week I said we can immunize homeopathically now and have what you need for each dis-ease. We are ready to answer back with good news now for that issue. Let's work together and stay fit and healthy as a group!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

From long ago and far away ...

Many of you are here on a return visit to this place. Some of you are new to Earth. You are never ending stories in a never ending universe. As I meet you and see your auras I am reminded of my own her-story too. We all have hidden gifts. Things we set aside and were not going to use until the time was right. Some of the magic that people have scares others therefore waiting until we were ready was not only prudent but necessary for survival. I have seen children with skills and abilities and gifts that no one even knew existed. Watch Alphas on TV and see what others know to be true, then look up James Twyman, a guy I met years ago and read the stories of the kids he has encountered with awesome abilities. We have spent a lot of time being a little handicapped here as the end of the Mayan calendar plays out. Knowing though, that we were going to ride into the shift, not blow outselves up like we did before, caused an influx of Alphas to return to Earth now. They carry secret weapons, remarkable talents and a psychic awareness that destroys the veil of darkness altogether. You are exposed in their sight and in their minds for exactly who and how you are. Like the dog that snarls at your neighbor, who is simply telling you that when you are not looking he is kicking another dog or a kid or his wife. Today I declare that these people and these awesome talents now reveal themselves to us all. Enough of the tricks and games and bullies that used their skills to keep us down. Let's call a spade a spade and ask those who are not here for the higher good of our world and all of her children to move along now. I envision a giant bus coming and they who have hurt or controlled us - now all boarding and leaving us forever in peace. Then as a we awaken together here,we ask that the hidden talents and abilites and gifts you and I have to surface easily and make our journey here the magical mystery it was always meant to be! Singers sing, artists create, techies do your thing, healers heal, mentors teach and let's all work together and restore Eden now. It is the right time!! We have waited long enough.Megwitch.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

9-12-12 TO 12-12-12

COUNTDOWN TO LIGHTS ON BEGINS NOW. Everything comes in cycles and segments, we are solar and lunar and in the flow never ending. We have come at this time for this cycle, the magic of the awakening and the new earth. Trust me, we were not on track to get here. The human need to control and destroy was very alive and very busy in the last century. We developed things that hurt us and we still do them, but in 1987 a vote was taken on earth. It was called the Harmonic Convergence. You and I were polled as to stay or go. We said STAY and we will recover. Some of us were aware of the changes that needed to be made, others slowly come alive here. Babies started arriving on the planet with hyper sensitivities - demonstrating to us the need to change or suffer and die. The lights started being lit on the 1-1-01, then the 2-2-02 and each triple date since then. Underground were the hidden crystals of Atlantis, used to energize this world with clean and free energy for all of us, they are on now and the final hook up is 12-12-12. You have 90 days to get your things ready for full power. I have worked toward this for the past few lifetimes recently, but we have known about the potential from time long ago. The potential is YOU! This is your world, wake up and take it back to where it is healthy and community rules. All for one and one for all! Namaste' I truly do honor you all - this has been quite a challenge! Bravo!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I treat all sorts of illness. From weight to cough to cancer to allergy. Every single one is brought on by an emotion. Learn how you trigger your body to buck and twist with your feelings. What you perceive is what you will receive. Changing your beliefs about health and wellness means finding happiness within and living with in that structure only. Find a focus of light and laughter, I use yoga and horses and the beach and the ski hill to focus myself on. Those are the things that give me great feelings of happiness. I let the other stuff slip off. I can not make another person happy, trying to do that distracts from my own energy. I can not make another healthy either. It is my job to be an example not for you but for myself. If I remain focused and happy - I will remain healthy and balanced. If you are sad or angry or afraid or lonely, get some help that helps you help yourself. Become accountable for every detail of your life. Your words become your reality, if they are unkind or threatening in any way they will wreck havoc on YOU only YOU, they have awesome power to heal or destroy. Surround yourself with happy people, join a group that smiles alot!! Be with those who do good things, taking care with care. Your health depends on this knowledge. Books about Bach Flowers and Louise Hay's book too will help you.

Monday, September 10, 2012


I see neglect all the time and then comes the die off. Relationships, pets, kids, health, property - that's just to name a few things that disappear. When the cows are gone the barn simply falls down. List what you love - then adore it with thoughts, words and deeds. It is the only way love survives. That is the key for us as Creator adores us and despite the difficuties we survive and soon will thrive in remembering that opening to community or communion. Adoration is radiant positive energy and speaking words of adoration change our world every day for the better.


I am not a political character, there is nothing there for me yet. I check in and see what is going on and then lose interest because of the conflicts. I have tried to find something to hook to yet I can not. It is time now for us to attract leaders who are honest and caring and interested in the greater good, their own agenda being that. I will begin a belief now that that is soon to come. I never felt that was possible before now, but now I seem to think it is possible. People are waking up and the dumbed down flourided vaccinated half dead brains are waking up too. Those who slop around in a toxic world eating toxic food and treating their issues with more toxic chemicals are not going to be around much longer. They are dropping like flies from cancer and every other disease created by this stupor. You can pick health, it is attracted to those who make to choice to do it. It is not a gift it is a right,AND you must fight for your rights. Attract leaders by becoming one yourself. Choose a subject to study that interests you and get involved. I am the HAWC, the Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Sustain Hudson and St. Croix River Protection Assoc., I am Blackfeet and Dakota and I am a woman and a mom and a friend and a yogi. I am a gambler and I gamble on things all the time, take a chance it is a good gamble!!! Enough said. FIND ONE THING AND JUMP IN WITH BOTH FEET - IT'S YOUR LIFE AND YOUR WORLD AND YOUR FUTURE.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Someone asked me today for help with something. I thought about that and then I said NO, not today. When you have met my needs then I will meet yours, not in advance and not the other way around. I have had that experience with builders like Boxwell and Christensen and Zeitz. All contractors, who took the money they claimed they needed to meet my needs and then ditched and I never got my needs met! Blind and dumb sometimes!! I am no longer that person now. A lifetime of meeting the needs of others and waiting for my own, that is enough now. YOU TOO! See what your needs are - more sleep?? More fun?? More smiles?? Better food?? Better friends?? PICK!! The only one who meet your needs is YOU, it is time now isn't it?

Who do you share your road with????

I see the bigger picture more than I see the focused one,so it is always interesting to see who is sharing the road with me. I have a nack for not focusing on me, therefore there are times that when I do I am surprised by who is next to me. Sometimes a little horrified! I always love the high road, and go there frequently. I will seed light packets like watermelon seeds throwing them around by the fistful. It doesn't matter where they are sown, only that they are sown. It can be money, or health ideas or just a smile and a kind word. The other day I gave away my beautiful earrings. It is what I love to do. Some people really benefit from that, others move in and stick around for more. Those are the ones I don't see so clearly and need to pay closer attention to. I married one of those guys once and it cost me and my heart and pocket book dearly to be so unfocused. You and I - we are not random, we are intentional, our life and our road - intentional! Not entitled, not happenstance, chosen every single step of the way. Parenting is intentional, although many do it without being accountable. I see parents who love but do not parent, I see kids who embark on journeys of wild choices to connect to something that was missing in their parent. On your road today - look around you and see who is there, are they invited by YOU intentionally or did they slip in when you weren't focused and choosing? In weakness and seperation we do crazy things, nothing is undoable! Clean up your road, choose intentionally, seed the good seeds love and light and laughter and THEN SEE WHAT POPS UP ALONG THE WAY! I AM.

Settling in for the 12-12-12

The 9-9-2-12 marks the spot that triggers the final days of these triple date activations. Thinking back on them I found their impact awesome. I have changed in so many ways and funny, ended up exactly as I started, My friend told me the other day that I was the same as he remembered me 35 years ago, wow, what a relief! I felt sometimes lost or tormented or frustrated and that that had diminished me somehow. I got tired and sad and then I got angry and screamed, but in the final assessment - I am still me. My girls tell me that is their favorite part, me being just me. We try to fit and squeeze into a vision of what we could or should try but the what comes natural is the real deal and the one you will love the most and have the most success with. I changed my name several times and actually looking back that was silly, but trying to root here we like a name that has connection. Family is our connection and rooting is a part of being human. I as the hawk, would almost always rather fly than root, but I am learning how now to do both. Take the day to see YOU, write down all the YOU stuff you love and then use THE YOU to manifest More of the Real YOU now. We need us as individuals to make up the chorus we have come to be here. Sing your OWN note and I will sing mine - then in perfect harmony we will create with love - all we need for peace and prosperity for everyone.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Be proud, be authentic and be accountable

You are your own creation, an art project of amazing potential. Real life is art and it is constantly being added to. It is worthy of your attention to every detail. I have spent hours seeing what happens to people when they neglect their own canvas, waiting for someone else to paint on it. It leaves them empty and forever waiting and waiting. It seems as though it is never enough, there is no end when we expect someone else to do OUR work. It is not possible. You are something very unique, one of a kind and being proud of who and how you are and act is the basis for your foundation. Determining what makes you special a life long pursuit. Allowing yourself to celebrate and share your one of a kindness fearlessly the challenge. I have learned along the way my attention to the details of me is what makes my life magical. I try to never compare it to another's either, knowing that is also not possible. I also am very clear that the accounting of my thoughts, words and deeds is inevitable and if I take the time to account for myself along the way it should oome easy in the end. So in pursuit of all of our desires, health and happiness, first be you, proud, authentic and accountable.

Friday, September 7, 2012

1994 an old friend named Darcy

I found a book that was given to me as a Christmas gift from an old friend long ago. She knew me before we were born and when we met again in this lifetime it was pure fun!!We had amazing adventures and long talks about every single thing. We had beautiful daughters we took every where we went. We camped on the St. Croix with them every summer, taught them to waterski, had cross country ski afternoons and long nights of singing to our favorite music! Then she went away. Period. I lost her while she was alive and then she passed away after that. I was sad the whole time, missing her so much. After she was gone I went to a healer to get some clarity and she said that I hook up with her for only short times in different lives, cuz together we only focus on us and forget about the rest of the world. That was so true, and for me to move into the position I am in and do what I do - I HAD TO MOVE ON TOO. She did it for US and I know that for sure, but finding the little book of Angel's Instructions was the cue I neeeded to remember that. It is all good, even when it seems too hard to do and even believe, it is still right and if we let it play itself out, it does truly end up making sense. So here's to my friend in Heaven, Darcy - love ya lots, miss ya terribly and look forward to a red beer and hours of stories and singing when we meet again!! Thanks for the book- AGAIN!

Dakota Pow wow this weekend in Mendota Mn

Our heritage is linked to and through us and we are brothers and sisters in that connection. Creating community is the key to healing and finding peace here now. These displaced Natives have looked for a home here in Minnesota for a long time. Mendota was the root location for these people. The church there still supports them with sharing their space with them each year. The Natives believe there is no ownership of land, simply stewardship, as we are temporary here. I think we would benefit by keeping that in mind. Dick Bankcroft who lives nearby as shared his land with these people for a long time, opening this space for sweat lodges and get togethers. A noble expression of community. Join me Saturday afternoon as we honor him for his generosity. Singing, dancing, eating and friends galore - what a great way to spend a day!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Please do not take out your frustrations on me!

I love horses and kids, always did and always will. I watched a documentary called Buck and saw me!! Buck Brannaman has been loving and partnering with horses his whole life, and they and the love they share,saved him from giving in and giving up. Abused as a child he never lost faith. Taken away from the abuser gave him a shot at healing and so his story went from tragic to miraculous! We all have those who abuse us in some way in this life. It is a memory that perpetuates itself and even if it is not real today it seems real. As I went through a healing session yesterday with Kristin Burich an amazing and gifted therapist, I saw the abuse of my father's death and my mother's disappearance clearly, and although it happened 53 years ago I could still feel the fear of the loss and see the scar it left!! Upon her return to my tiny world things only got worse and a lifetime of disagreement, abuse and frustration began. Her way was the only way and she was manic about it. Either fun OR destructive, never balanced, never agreeable, never ever content or peaceful. I saw Buck in the same dilemma, over and over, famous in one minute, bleeding and bruised in the next. I see this for all of us in some way, and the only way to stop it is to say to yourself and those close in - "STOP TAKING YOUR FRUSTRATIONS OUT ON ME. I will love you, pray with you and meditate for a solution, but I WILL NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR FRUSTRATIONS!! YOU MUST OWN YOUR OWN STUFF NOW" Then we can find peace together. It begins within. It is our story and our life and our reality that only we can control. There is no need to project it on anyone. Children and nature and her critters are the INNOCENTS. They deserve our love and protection without fail and that is my legacy. I will use my experiences to change my ways and leave this a safer, healthier, happier world. HOW ABOUT YOU? Buck did that too!! Here's a salute to those who took the lemons in life made LEMONADE!

Holding on a little longer

As I spoke with my daughter yesterday she reminded me of how important each day is and how they add up to an amazing life when recounted. She is in a new land with new people and they are dazzled by the stories of her life and she is only 29 years on this planet. We spoke of all the magical places we have gone to and the facinating people we have met. We remembered our family with all of it's good and sometimes painful memories. We simply know that it is all good and IMPROVING! Our journey here is our legacy later. The footprint of our time spent on this planet is made moment to moment. Regrets should serve only to change you and keep you from repeating the same behavior. I have none at this point for change has been my middle name along with faith! I have always been flexible and resilient, I may even seem tough to some, but I have never given in or up. That is why at this time, although we are stressed by many things, HOLD ON a little longer. The shift is happening and you are right in the middle of it. Stand up now, and ride this wild surf board. My Mentor Dr. Lile told me over 20 years ago that I was on the front of a wave of change. Then my friend Mark told me early one morning over coffee in Tahoe that he was renaming me Dr. Tsunami, because when you encounter me nothing stays the same!! I have both those visions as my legacy here, ask KSTP channel 5 news and Pat Tierney my favorite lawyer, about that! You all have the same only different stories to tell. So let's start celebrating early, I think that will get our mind of the other stuff. Find what and who you love and LOVE IT UP! Then the shift will move and you will not even notice the quaking!

Dr. Su at the Pow-wow this Saturday in Mendota MN

My friend is going to be honored at the Wacipi in Mendota on Saturday. His name is Dick Bankcroft and his photography of Native Americans is amazing. He has documented over 50 years of transition with his work and I for one am grateful. The ceremony is at 3:30. He has shared in the sadness and the gladness of the people for a very long time and they want to say thank you, so do I. Please join us for this. See you there, Dr. Su

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Looking for the good to come

Where ever you focus your vision or your energy - it is what you will get to. On the back of a horse, the human is the turret and the seer of a specific destination. The horse on the other hand- is the perameter viewer. They see nearly 360 degrees, in two pictures. We see one picture and can see very specifically, they love riders for that reason. As you become your own lighthouse, see the light from your eyes scanning and then focusing on what you desire. Pull the picture in through your sight then open it in your mind. After it is clear and solid, put it squarely in your heart. Feel it there, warm and radiating energy. This is how you put it out there. Again imagine the horse under you providing you with the power of motion and speed. Choose a speed you can handle. Super fast is not fun if you fall off or are scared. Walk, trot or canter to your vision, or race there if you want to. Jump and fly if that's what it takes. Then celebrate your victory!!! You must remember that you are the boss of you, you always were. We are here to help you, just like the horse has been for a very long time. Saddle up - let's get it the way we want it NOW>

Monday, September 3, 2012

Love Honor and OBEY??

I have heard the beat of the distant drummer my whole life, and that was good and hard at the same time. I love this Earth and her children, but my home is far away from here and I miss that too. I know many now who feel the same way and also those who choose not stay for the whole event and left early. They kind of chickened out cuz this has been challenging, but they knew from another dimension they were better in the offing, literally. So this love thing is the greatest source of energy there is and it works, love what you do and you will never work, love who you are and you will never be alone. The HONOR piece comes with the Namaste' we all say nowadays. That means it's all good. I do not get to have a opinion as to who or how you are - just honor you, period. Some people do not get that and think they should be coaching or criticizing, that is not honoring. Honor means stay out of it and love despite your fears or thoughts about it. Then comes this obey piece. My facebook page has a picture of little girls in ballet class watching the teacher intently, except the one on the end. She is hanging upside down on the ballet bar. That is ME! Really, that did happen and I was dismissed from Mrs.Beauchamps's ballet class forever!!! I think I missed the obey part from the gitgo. I believe it to be an add-on simply taken out of context, used to bully us. If I obey my own calling and hear what my heart says I can obey just fine, no other man or woman has that power over me. OBEY YOURSELF! If you have anxiety you are not listening to YOU let alone obeying yourself!!!! So on this Labor day, labor for yourself and the cultivate the gifts of loving, honoring and obeying YOU!! You were created in perfection and there is no denying that. Begin there. I think is all going to turn out just fine, don't you??

Dreaming your life into reality

I love dreaming, I always did. I learned to interpret them as a necessary aspect of my own growth and development. Last night I dreamed I found a church right here that I thought I would love to join. It fit my vision in everyway. I won't go into the details but they were specific and vivid, but the coolest part was at the end as I was speaking to their leader a dark-skinned extraterrestrial woman about joining her group and although I have never disrespected the available groups already present none had fit my bill since I was a tiny child. And then I cried and cried at the relief of finally finding a spiritual community to share in and with all the magic that I know exists. Here's to your dreams coming true and mine too!! It is time now. Let's dream into reality the dreams of our hearts!!! It will be fun to see who is having the same dream!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Did the Moon wash you clean in the LIGHT??

We were talking last night about the beauty and the power of the Blue Moon, I said to write on paper what must leave you now and burn it under the moon. Then take a moon bath in the bright reflection of the sun on the full face of the moon and soak in the new ideas and make plans. What you can perceive and believe you will receive. Open to that gift and incredible responsibility. It takes peacemakers to make peace, NOT WARRIORS. If you are still trying to get your bearings use this holiday weekend to sit back and think some new thoughts. You are here for a very special reason in this amazing time and 2012 is a huge rendevous point for many. Why do you think it is so crowded here right now. Soon the Earth will be back to normal capacity, but this is a big deal and a lot of souls wanted to be here for this event. I for one am glad I made it!! I sure hope you are too, we are very blessed to be a part of such an awesome time. Thanking the Creator for all the good stuff that we can do now is a great way to begin. Namaste' Dr. Su