Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hudson Star Observer tells whole truth!!

When I least expect them, miracles appear. Judy Wiff a regional writer reported the events in a 1/2 page article in my local newspaper of the KSTP News Media Slam I took and the defense I mounted against the Blaha's lies.

It just goes to show that we should never give up the faith, someone out there is looking out for us and telling the truth as Judge Lundell stated it..

I have been blessed my whole life and I know it, but it is these gifts that still marvel me and make me very humble and grateful. Many have stepped up now after reading this and said they were rooting for Naturopathy and me the entire fight and will continue to until it is fully settled or the end comes, which ever comes first!!
Here's too a quick end!!

Thank you Judy, who ever you are, I appreciate your article. Namaste' Dr. Su

Hopes, dreams and wishes

Thirty five years since high school graduation, hopes, dreams and wishes all tested.
We said last who did you like secretly? Did you grow up to be who you thought you were going to be? Are you content now?

One classmate said to me "well at least you do something good for the world, in reference to my kids and horses programs", I just work.

Hey, there is no such thing as just anything, we all are the same and have exactly the same value as one another. It doesn't matter what we do, you cannot subtract from the energy of anyone. I told another classmate, that I had tried many things and was glad I had not tried many other things but was grateful that others had, so I could learn from their experiences.

We are all in this together, what you do and say is connected to me just as what I do and say is connected to you. You all add value to my life in so many ways. The good, the hopes, the wishes and the dreams, whether complete yet or not still add amazing value. Thank you all for your part in this lifetime here together!!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Good, good, good vibrations

Find them, they are everywhere.

Flowers put out good vibrations, words do too. Of course music does and so do kind and generous actions, like random acts of kindness.

Today and tomorrow and this weekend let good vibrations be your theme. I am going to my 35th class reunion at a classmate's home, I am looking forward to sending and receiving good vibrations!!

Namaste' Dr. Su

Unwitting self destruction

Are we without conscious consent destroying ourselves??

Dim bulbs unwittingly following the lead of others and media down the trail to illness, suffering and early departure??

Sometimes there is NO LABEL, that spells out the dangers, like with pop and toothpaste, but how about the foot long contraindications with medications??

If you are using anything that has a list like that, it is true and only a matter of time until you succumb to one or all the issues listed. Suicide a side effect - you have got to be kidding me, that anyone would try that even in desperation!
Cancer brought on by toxins, chemicals, and hormonal overloads, autoimmune disease in response to the same stuff.

Get your head out of your pillow, read the labels and believe them, risk is not an option, that is why I will not vaccinate, there is not one study, NOT ONE, that shows it is without risk, and those beautiful children deserve my protection, not a job as a guinea pig for science and the mad scientists!!!


Yes, really. Nature has instilled within every human an alarm bell, warning them of impending danger. When the bell sounds and the anxiety floods the body, it is time to look around with your eyes and listen with your ears and breath in and check it out to figure out what could be so wrong, you will feel it in your gut.

My first big alarm sounded in the fifth grade with my first amalgam filling and the response was sleeplessness, hyperactivity and ultimately rage and frustration. Those are alot of responsibilities for a little girl. It was that lesson that would change my life forever.

Sex, gambling, drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and all the adrenal stimulants we use to override anxiety and those feelings may be fun for a moment but in their own way cause their own dangers.

Our health physical and mental are at risk.

We saturate ourselves with whatever we can get our hands on, legal or not, to find relief. It is an everyday search for many. Look at the testimonials of, Kaitlyn a 9 year old tells her story in her own words of her anxiety and the year from hell. This little girl missed 30 days of school and was miserable. Now she is free and clear and has an amazing understanding of what happened to her and how to remedy it quickly if it ever happens again. She has taught her whole family something new and so valuable that there is no amount of money to buy it. Peace, health, energy and happiness are free, but must be chosen.

Try this, leave behind the adrenal bell ringers for a day, no media crap, or electronics or chemicals or cursing and get into the sunshine in nature. Let her quiet your ringing bells, she know how and it is awesome. I do it with horses all the time and the beach too. You can find her anywhere!

Kids deserve a great and healthy life, it starts with the parents, show them how to be safe, use your anxiety to help you find your way and thank God for it, cuz it is magical.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I get asked alot about food. Some people tease me about it, others ask what they should eat and others won't even eat in front of me for fear that I won't approve.

Your choice, you are what you eat and speak. What goes in and out of the mouth is the rudder of the ship of YOU!

I don't care!

You should.

I teach blood type eating, since in my years of health and wellness it seems to be the simplest and most effective training. Heredity is a big part of you, genetics are evolutionary, so are the enzymes in your guts. Some have more of one then another. I eat beef with great success, I have no success with refined carbs. Melons make me sick but other fruit makes me energetic and lively!

Mammals don't give milk to anyone who is NOT a baby, take a cue from nature and try it without milk, you will love how you feel. Preservatives are for those who do not have refrigerators, I do, so I buy and eat only fresh food. If it stays preserved on the counter, what would it take to unpreserve it in my body, some people are GIANT refrigerators full of undigested preserved food.

Soup can be customized for your digestion and it is so easy to make fresh and full of good stuff, lots of medicine can be put in soup. Herbs, garlic, antioxidants, whole grains,and of course the love from the hands who put it together!!

Simple, and filling and nutritious and one way to get what you need easily. It's soup!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Free Fall Now

This is where trust is really the key here, trusting the self, the intuition, the whole being without the influence of others, no matter who they are and how important they think their opinion is.

It's all you now, all you!! Be that authentic self that makes you laugh and sing out loud and dance like noone is watching. Tis the season.

Celebrate the changes, don't look back, it really is a new day now.

New day, new body, new view, new friends!! Life is whatever you see it and believe it to be. Namaste'

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Love justice? I do.

Last week I was notified in a 28 page judgement from Judge Lundell here in St. Croix County, that I my case exposing the Blahas for their lies and their publicity of these lies, was won by me, every single one of 9 counts, hands down a clean sweep.
It has been over two years of hurt and embarrassment and stress beyond my wildest knowing trying to set right such a horrible wrong. Most people when attacked roll over, this time they chose a target who didn't do it. I knew the truth. I helped and only helped these people, all of them, their whole family. Their issues and dramas are their own creation and putting them on TV in the form of lies, outright lies and fiction is against the law! Judge Lundell said SO!! For that I am so grateful.

I have decided now to pray for them more then ever before, as I have been all along. I forgave them the moment they began this debacle, I told them it was only going to roost back on their own doorstep and it has!! What you put out there is now instant karma times 100!!! Their doorstep is now gone under the weight of this judgement.

It is judgment time, on every level, all is being exposed, even my own sister's support of these lies came to the surface via an email to the reporter during this whole case. Wow, you never know who is in your corner and who is not. Good to know though, helped clear up a lot of hidden garbage.

Point - let's just air it all out now, if you have made up a story or tried to hurt someone, tell them the truth, ask for forgiveness and make it up to them. We are not perfect, but we do have free will and using it in the light, with love as the intention and keeping it honest is the only way you will survive, everything else will flush out and away and you will be alone, and lonely and lost.

I love all who stayed with me during this, you are the best I could ever hope for, letters and calls from zillions of you, humans and ancestors and angels alike, thank you Creator for everything, I mean it!!

Namaste' Dr. Su Living in the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dim Bulbs

I explained my perspective about auras to some one who took offense to what I see. Isn't that interesting? I do not see what others see, can't do it. I may ask from time to time about their view but really it is none of my business. In my work I have to take a good look at each person as they present themselves. I use my inner and outer vision to see the light, the wattage so to speak. Some folks come in bright and light and eager, others not so bright. I call them the dim bulbs. The feeder lines to their field of energy are plugged or even disconnected altogether.
The body needs nourishment to create enough energy to create light around it and in it, food, water, exercise and rest, all imperative, and then the belief piece and all it has to add in. If you believe you are healed, you are, if you believe you are beautiful, you are, if you believe you are lucky, you are. So it goes. The more optimism and joy added in the brighter the light gets.

There is no excuse not be be bright by changing your beliefs to brighter views. They are the views of self. Surround yourself with those who are also bright and leave those behind who choose the dimmer switch. They can drag you down to their level very quickly and there you are in the dark again. Drinking heavily dissipates the aura, that is why you are tired the next day and probably did or said something you wouldn't do sober. That is the reality of the light you carry and the use of it.
A bar at the end of the evening is one large but very dim bulb, with all rules of love and life and protection and positiveness abandoned. Very risky, many struggle.

You are the captain of your own ship, sail it into bright light and calm seas with a view of the horizon of love, faith and hope, your light will brighten with each step forward. Namaste' Dr. Su

Monday, July 18, 2011

Kids reflect you.

I know to look to the metaphors of life as reflections of me and my perspective. I see things, we all see things, they are viewed from lifetimes of lenses, one on top of the other. I commonly wear rose colored glasses and that causes me to view the situation from my heart only, where there is no judgement, just unconditional love.
That is not what I always do though, being human puts me in the lower chakras and sometimes has me seeing red!! Those are the human views that cause stress and create a stressful, not peaceful response.

People blame circumstances for their bad behaviors, I was stressed out so I overreacted and took it out on the dog or you or whatever happened to be in my way. There is no excuse for that and putting up with it and allowing yourself to be kicked over and over again is a choice. Stand up for yourself, defend your choice to be healthy and peaceful and joyful. If another rains on your parade with stressful negative behaviour, simply say I am sorry you feel that way and good luck with that and move along. You are not here to save anyone, so stop trying to be Jesus! I see people sacrifice their whole lives by crucifying themselves with the illusion that somehow they are responsible for others. Truly spiritual perspective has released that foolishness over and over again with the truth of the Higher Light beings who have tried to upgrade our knowledge. Everything begins with you and ENDS with you too. Don't look on the outside for solutions that are there on the inside and were all along. Pray, meditate and be in nature where the Mother can nurture you back to balance. This is where going within and staying there until you are healthy and peaceful is mandatory.

Grow up and grow happy and healthy, find a coach you trust and listen and practice, noone else can fix you, but you can choose to emulate someone you admire, look for the healthy, happy, youthful, successful,brave, joyful people out there, they are there and will show you ONE TIME, if you ask. Then it is up to you!! Namaste' Dr. Su

Parents this means you, your children are YOU until they are 15 or so, stop trying to fix them and start fixing yourself, if you are broke, fat, depressed or unhappy, your kids are too!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

You become your focus

It does not matter what or who you claim to be focusing on, your focus becomes YOU!! You cannot hurt another unless somehow your focus becomes theirs. Two people I know well, projected a focus of negativity about me and my beliefs and words to a news reporter a couple of years back. I knew nothing of these e mails. I recently got copies with their names and email addresses and the focus of their pain as they wished to make it somehow about me. I don't care what people think, ever. My focus is my own reality and I know enough to remain, as my attorney calls me, optimistic to a fault!.

That includes every word, every thought and every deed. Understand that if you somehow see bad, wrong, broke or sick, whether you are projecting it or not, it is only for you and you will get the full brunt of your own thoughts!!!

Disease is not the focus ever, health and happiness must remain in the forefront and the goal with out waiver. That is why so many treatments fail, because their focus is negative and the results can only be a result of the focus. I tell my clients, never say the C-word ever ever ever. Or you will give a power from your focus.

Just today, focus clearly and with intention on all the good stuff, call it into focus and be specific. Then you can become the good stuff you conjured up in your focus. It is so so simple and a truth hidden from you for a long long time. Here's to light love and laughter, health, happiness and horses!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

What is my PASSION???

It is the task you do where time disappears. Simply put it is a joy that surpasses any level of work. Raising kids was a passion for me, softball is a passion for Tim. My work can be a passion when I am into it. My relationships can also be passionate, that includes the unconditional love part that is so challenging in this world.

How do I find those passions, first step away from your life for a day or two. A retreat or a time out can give you enough distance to see the passions from the dregs and duties that rule your time. Remember them from childhood, from past lives, from memories, then see if there is a way to recreate that passion again now.

Sports, clubs, volunteer work, travel, learning, there are so many choices. It is not for anything but joy that a passion fits into your life. It's residue is pure energy! Wow, cool, not only can I do what I love, there will be energy left over for the duties I feel I bear. That is a win win.

Focus and find just one. You will be so gald you did. Love to all, Dr. Su

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You are your word!!

When you give your word, it is your contract, your truth and your bond with someone. What you say is what you get. I have recently been very aware of people's words, promises to be or do or commit and then whoosh - nothing but lame excuses and no effort or energy. Follow through is imperative, if we say we are going to be there, then we need to be there. If we say we will do this if you do this too, then do it without an attitude or excuse. If you do not wish to, then say so, period. Be clear so others do not have to compensate for your lack of follow through and your lack of commitment. When it gets tough, that is when the learning curve begins.

Ask youself some questions now.

Am I being totally honest?
Does this match my abilities and my desire to learn and produce?
Am I doing this for someone else's approval and affection or am I doing this for my own approval and affection?
Am I proud of my life, my words and my choices?
Do I expose my authentic self without fear?
Do I stand up for my beliefs and stay true to my convictions regardless of what others say or do to me?
Am I grateful and do I express that gratitude daily?

We are all guilty of giving in too easily, being bullied and just being too lazy.
Stop now and take a good look at your world, you have created it, every detail. Your reality is yours and yours alone. Noone else makes it or breaks it apart. If you think someone out there is going to upgrade your reality, think again. If you give them that power then you take it away from yourself. Own your own life now. Make choices that create a pure and honest space for you, others may be attracted, great, but if they start to persuade you away from what you love and know for sure you love it, you are being manipulated. Blame only yourself and then, Uninvite that!!

It is time now, wake up and be the you you always knew you were and can be. It is time now. Namaste' Dr. Su

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Authentic Self emerges now

How many of you feel separated from others by your beliefs, or your heritage, or your family challenges????

Did your skin color, or IQ, or athletic ability make you feel alone, either at the top or at the bottom???

I know many unique characters who are very very lonely, who I think are so cool because they are so unique.

In the 6th grade my classmate Brad had Progeria, the aging disease. It disfigured him horribly, yet beneath the droopy skin and shaved head was a kid, just like me. I liked him, I saw his aura and knew he was wonderful. I got to be his friend and protected him from the bullies. I took a few blows on his behalf because I felt stronger and more able to handle it. My teacher was mean to me instead of intolerant of him. That was better for both of us and we were a team all year.

We have all done that, taken the blows for our choices. I do everyday, since my way is not the norm. I love that I am unique and rare, I make no excuses for my heritage, my spirituality and my gifts. I also am willing now more then ever before to be authentic. I don't care what others think, in the end it is only me and my Creator who get to have an opinion. I will work toward that gladly each day of my life.

Be who you really are, don't give to the influence of those who waste their time trying to influence you. Influence yourself Use your gift of intuition to decide who you really are and then be it for you and for your Creator, everything else will fall into place or fall away. Good Luck, Dr. Su

Monday, July 11, 2011


Mothers during pregnancy dump thirty percent of their toxic load into their fetus during gestation. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TOXIC LOAD YOU CARRY AND ARE YOU DESIRING TO PASS THAT ON? We have known that since the 1960's.

In the wake of this, many kids are sick, super sick, mentally challenged, physically out of whack, and immune responses largely compromised. I have kids who get fevers every month of up to 105 for 3-5 days in response to this and with a detox and transition in diet this supposed syndrome disappears. Strange but very true, ask Naomi.

Mothers must in an effort to protect their young get some knowledge now and take responsibility for what they carry from life and from their mothers too. My mother was super toxic, suicidal at times, dark in many ways, angry and abusive for many years. I had to stop blaming her and stop feeling sorry for myself to be able to see the forest for the trees. I then, because I am a Mother, had to own what I had gotten from her and CLEAN IT UP AND LET IT OUT of my body, my emotions and my life, forever.

Looking back it was the hardest job I ever loved. Learning to be a healthy, happy, non-toxic mother was a lot of work and now that I see the results in the faces and bodies and relationships of my beautiful children I would have it no other way. We are constantly evolving toward the harmonics we deserve, but it is a conscious choice, not random in any way.

How do I start? First, make sure your words are loving, no loud cursing or blaming. Second, look in the mirror, do I want my kids to turn out like this?? Am I fat, lonely, pale, sickly, angry, etc? Third, get some help from a group of loving caregivers who are on this planet to assist in your process. It is work and a team of healers is what we all need. GOOD LUCK and GODSPEED, we are running out of time.
I honour your effort, Namaste' Dr. Su

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Where is peace?? See the Dove descending.

I love the sound of mourning doves cooing in the dawn of the day. I went to the paddock the other morning and she was there, grey and beautiful and bringing her song of peace. We can not create peace here until we own it with in our own beliefs and body.

Are you at war with your body. This one guy says all though he has allergies he won't stop drinking milk which would relieve that condition. War with the body. Mammals DO NOT GIVE MILK to anyone other then a baby. Period. Why are we so stubborn and insist that somehow we are different. We are them and they are us. Milk causes the mucous in the body to thicken up, ear aches, congestion, asthma and all sorts of wars break out in the body. Why?? Cuz the ads say that is where you get your calcium. BULL HOCKEY1 Try broccoli, try salmon, amazing amounts of calcium.

Learn to embrace your own peace, see the dove and then breathe her in. Ask your mind to show you peaceful resolution to all situations now. That can mean certain things come to an end. Let that peace that comes from endings envelop you, it is time. You need not agree to find peace, you can agree to disagree. There are souls here working on lots of lessons and challenges, sometimes they like to include you, blame you, borrow from you, somehow involve you, well just say no thanks, not interested. Then walk on, you will see them again in another place and time, we are all connected, for now peace is the most important choice. PEACE OUT. Dr. Su

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Breathe in the LIGHT

As we move through the changes of our world now very very quickly, this simple exercise will facilitate your physical energy and body and upgrade your whole structure easily and effortlessly.

Step onto the Earth barefoot each morning and facing the Sun, breathe in the Light. Consciously pull it into your eyes and your lungs and then move it through your whole body with your mind. Once filled, radiate it outward. Do it until it flows in and out as easily as your breath. When we were simpler, each mom each morning would sunbath their newborns in the early morning sun to promote their health and growth. Twenty to thirty minutes was about all it took. Be that newborn. Sun-breathe and sun bathe yourself. You will change your molecular structure, the actual physics of your bodies programming will shift. This is a very simple choice and the upgrade to your body, mind and spirit will begin immediately!!!

No need now to be clogged up with toxins that the fats you are holding are protecting you from. Adipose tissue or fat, suspends those toxins, like in jello, ie preservatives, additives, chemicals, drugs, pesticides, herbicides and the list goes on and on from poisoning you to early death and the suffering and pain this causes. If you stop putting them into your body with light, real food from nature and pure pure water not in plastic and begin to Sun breathe through conscious choice you will melt it all away easily. AND IT IS FREE!

What do you got to lose?? maybe 20 or 30 lbs?? Get er done now!! it is summer and this will help. My client lost 20 lbs in his first 5 weeks of body cleaning and hasn't felt this great as he puts it maybe ever!! Namaste' Dr. Su

Friday, July 8, 2011

Watch and see the truth revealed.

New moon sends roots deep into the Earth, and yours and my connection here are anchored more and more each day. Hold on to your hats as those who seek to disrupt or toxify with pollution of body, mind, words or spirit are shown in their true light. You and I see auras, sensing the light draws us to certain things and people, when you sense the cold and the dark and anything that creates anxiety and fear, no not hesitate to shut it off or move away from it or them.

Kids and animals will always do the right thing in that regard, how many kids absolutely hate the dentist and hate the shots from the doctors bag of experiments. They know, they try to tell you with screams and running and fevers and vomiting. LISTEN, they are revealing the truth. PERIOD.

I saw a pastor once reveal his affair with a young girl up on the pulpit as he raged against sex!! Pretty funny when just months later it was revealed he had been doing a teenager in the congregation. Yup he was also married, ran off with the kid!!

This is what we are finding the underbelly is now ripe and ready. LOOK and SEE who is in your space and what they are selling and what it does for you. GOOD LUCK, this is going to be fun!! Let's choose carefully now, what we eat, what we watch, who we spend time with and all the other stuff, if it doesn't leave you feel radiant and energetic and ready for more-RUN!!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011



If you are, thanks for being in my group. That is truly how I feel every single day.
I love the beauty that surrounds me and radiates from me, I sing beautiful songs and speak words of encouragement and unlimited potential and share my faith and my gifts freely with those interested. Some people love that and flourish in my space, others writhe in pain. That is not my problem, that is theirs. Ugly is a choice, so is nasty, so is lonely and poor and broke and hateful. Just like your weight and your blood sugar and your vision of this planet. I do not see her, Mother Earth, as bad, wrong or broken, I do feel the need to put into to her all of my love and energy in it's purest form. Under that she flourishes too!!!!

You deserve to be healthy, happy and successful, period. God and the Angels are very near to this place with guidance and support like never before. It is a chance to flourish for those who look up, it is a chance to burn out and disappear for those who decide that is their road, reincarnation to another plane. Either way it's all good.

Welcome to my world and Eden restored!! Namaste' Dr.Su

Friday, July 1, 2011

Make a plan and hold your vision

Choose now, not what you thought was real or forever or the only way, but what you would dream of. If it is your imagination or your wishes or wants or even your crazy ideas, no matter how wild or unthinkable, if it makes you feel right, see it as an option.

Years ago I watched faith healers alot, my mom took us, some were amazing others were manipulators. I loved the miracle part and the waves of hope that moved through the people. It is the same feeling I get when I watch a hero, be a hero. When someone brave enough to be different, remains different. This is the way of our future, no more rules, all institutions crashing to the ground. These people are ready to be free and create a reality that supports everyone not just the few. Equal rights and equal opportunities and love all around.

Let's focus our vision on the good stuff and let's see what we all together can create!