Monday, October 31, 2011

Oh Thou Creator and Sustainer of All that is

The I am That I am. That is how I begin my every prayer. Sounds big huh?? It is big, super big. It is a calling that rings through the Universe with honor and distinction. My Creator is All that there is, and that is exactly how He/She made me. I forget that once in a while, then I remember and it is all good again.

We are now remembering that we can call the boss anytime we want to. For an update, a pep talk or even just to vent. The boss listens with great patience and a love for us that has to end, no boundaries, no disappointments no matter what we do.

This place, Earth, is amazing and we need to step up to that same reputation. We are her children and our legacy is the same majesty, beauty and power and that she has.
We need to remind ourselves that that is our right of being, just by being born here we have that right.

Exercise your right now, speak your truth, be beautiful,nourished,radiant and powerful, be strong and gentle at the same time, live as long as you want to and when you have seen and been it all, done it up - go home and tell the Angels your story. Create a Legend. I am. Namaste' Dr. Su

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Authentic you

I have chased down my own pedigree to authenticate my lineage, it gave me peace. The knowing in my heart of certain things without the validation and verification of someone in my family of origin telling me so was always haunting to me. Haunted by things I was aware of, yet could not verify. I found out that that was simply faith.


Faith in the larger picture of self and purpose is one of our greatest gifts and presents some of our wildest challenges. Watching people perform, sometimes beyond their own perceived abilities is watching faith in action. I love that, athlete or musician, artist or scientist, faith plays a mammoth role in our performance here. Add a little hope, and love it into reality, and WOW, what a show.

This is now the time to play your faith card, Angel Uzziel is the boss. Ask for it, use it, exercise it in the great and small wishes of your life, believe and you will receive, good luck to us all, Dr. Su

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cracking the cocoon

We get so wrapped up in our own stuff that we forget the larger part of what is truly good in our world. Those little cocoons we have been encased in are cracking apart as we speak, and never before has there been such a birth of butterflies and dragonflies and beautiful winged creatures. It is something to see. Go outside and look around this gorgeous world of ours and celebrate the awakening of the many.

We have worked so hard for this time and it has now arrived. Let the dead junk fall off of you like dried up old skin. Let the hardening of your hearts blast apart and let the tender new love of life energy radiate outward. You are all here for a reason, a purpose so divine that if just sit still for a moment now, you will REMEMBER it.

Have communion with yourself, your family, your neighbors and your friends now. Becoming one race under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. It is time, Namste' Dr. Su

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Moving into the LIght of A NEW DAY

Boy things change so fast. It is now that we have not so patiently waited for. The age of technology has sped it up and it is exciting to be a part of the larger picture.

In the scope of the Universe we may seem small, but each individual is a power pack of energy and is noticed in every way. We deserve to know that and to feel special because of that. This is a difficult place to live, with so much choice here sometimes we get derailed. Now is the time to choose exactly what you want, when and how much, write it, sing it and put it into the wind, for these are the winds of change.

It is so exciting, see you soon! In a place called Eden!! Love ya all Dr Su

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Join me next week in court PLEASE

I will be defending my right to practice Naturopathy in court at the Dakota County Courthouse in Hastings, Minnesota on Halloween at 10 AM, come on down.

Two and one half years to build my case and an entire life time to get the chance to speak my truth before the judge and jury and the Angels and the Creator and those who would shush me.

I have been awake and talking since I was little. My truth was not what a lot of people wanted to hear. Now that is not the case. Many want to know the truth about Naure and wellness and perfect human existence. I share that knowledge daily in my practice, at work and in life. I was told that my truth was wrong and then sued for my truth, I fought and won in Wisconsin court last spring. The bully who wanted to shush me was defeated.

Now we will defend our right to our truth against KSTP and their lies about my work and my words. The Naturopath Helen Healy took a stand with the liars as a political move to endorse a law in Wisconsin that would have stopped me from practicing my craft the way I have always practiced. She lied about me on TV and when I called her to talk about it she threatened me with a restraining order - twice!! She was not interested in the TRUTH!! Nice gal huh?? Hey Helen, call me.

For those who wish to endorse their own truth and the way they chose to speak it, now is the time to make your stand. There are many ways to be, many ways to do the same job, judging any other person only gets you judged!! Let's be there for that now. Calling all indigos, angels, and those awakening, I love you all, your support has been remarkable and now we will finish what they started. Namaste' Dr. Su

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I get asked about the flu shot alot. Here's a detail they do not tell you. In the industry of vaccine manufacturing they use cancer cells. They claim them to be immortal. Here's the facts - vaccines are at their very best - primitive. They put substances directly into your bloodstream that never would otherwise occur naturally.
Foreign substances - chemical and genetic, are injected into the human bloodstream - setting up the potential for an unpredictable number of adverse and sometimes deadly effects whether by interfering or merging with your human cells.

We live in a world of epidemics now, diabetes, inflammatory and autoimmune disease, asthma, and other new allergies, add in autism and Alzheimer's and the gut troubles of IBS and Crohns and now you have a mini picture of some of those effects.

Vaccines, don't ask me, look it up, do the research, take care of you and your family based on your intuition and your knowing. I do.

Service - the true love

I have spent hours in meditation, I have spent hours in the bar, I have spent hours alone and hours in groups, spent spent spent. I have spent money, energy, knowledge, and time. So what is it that fills me back up again, especially when I am spent. SERVICE.

At the end of the day I am spent, doing my job as a Naturopath sometimes exhausts me. When I go into the barn at 3 to ride with the kids I am usually trying to think of a way to get out of it. Nothing left to give. Then as if by magic, the minute I see a kid or walk into my pen of horses, I get revitalized. The service I receive by the service I provide with my horses fills me up to overflowing. It is the joy of sharing my gift with them that does it. I love nature, I love kids and my horses are so much fun and give so much, that the energy created in that time is immeasurable.

The ability to be of service to another is the measure of energy sent and received here. Loving what you do and how you do it is that service. Service to self is the first layer, then service to family, however you measure family. Many of us do not have lots of family around so we make our own family from a pool of friends and clients - all family!! That's how this works.

Today give good service. Feel how good that feels. Value your ability, no matter what it is. Send it out there and then - sit back and see what comes back to you!!

Service and love, the same only different - both verbs, both nouns, put your name there now too and live happily ever after. Dr. Su

What is a REAL doctor??

Someone said that to me - are you a real doctor? I thought about the answer a lot and for a long time. Did I get the certificate that says I studied and passed all the required courses to be called Dr. Su. Yes I did, with flying colors. That is not the question though. Medical care to most Americans in the only real care to them. Anything outside that matrix is voodoo. I have heard that before. Doing what your told and buying exactly what they tell you to is American Medicine and that to me is simply not REAL.

Real medicine is teaching someone how to take care of their bodies and their minds. Sharing information and expecting people to take responsibility is what a REAL doctor is supposed to do - it is TEACHing. I have tried American medicine - it made me super sick, drugs took away my energy and my health - surgeries left me scarred, PRACTICING on me like Dr. Siegel my Urolgist did, was INSANITY and BARBARIC in every way, but when you are afraid, desperate and in pain you will try anything once. You don't think of the aftershocks. And oh my there are many!!

I have watched the "Sheeple" be pushed, prodded and bullied, told what to do and how high to jump and when they question something they get disrespected and told they are trouble patients and that is noted in their chart. I have heard of medical doc's telling people if they do not use the drugs they are told to buy that a call will be made to their insurance company and they will be dropped!! This terrorizes people. If you have a physician who is not your true friend and TRUSTED EMPLOYEE, leave them and search for one who you can trust and have a conversation with. Too many die because they fear speaking their truth to their doc. Doctors who do not teach but tell, who do not listen but demand should retire now. YOU CONTROL THAT, IT IS YOUR CHOICE, NOT THEIRS - YOURS!!

Follow your heart, if it feels right - good. Kids are the best barometer of a good caregiver, they naturally love the good ones and scream and holler about the bad ones, listen, they are telling you the TRUTH. They sense the energy just like a dog can, pay attention, find a REAL doctor and live well and healthy. Here's to a new way of thinking and a healthier way of living - Dr. Su

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Even if you can not see the bigger picture - FEEL IT!

So much is going on around us, big big changes every where. Occupy Wall street is one of them, kids coming out of the woodwork to create a solidarity against big money, who had been hogging it all. Weather changing the face of our world, oil spills, earthquakes, tsunamis, drought and so it goes. Looking ahead and seeing so much challenge is stressful, people are maxing out. Health has people burning themselves with radiation, drugging themselves into nursing homes or la-la land and I have heard of surgeries that I consider barbarism. We will look back at now and shake our heads at what fear and stress caused us to try.

Homes lost, jobs lost and people you truly love, lost from your life forever, being sent into oblivion by stress. People, Please, just breathe here.

Do not give in to the drama as it plays out the changes we need to upgrade our world and or societies.

Hey, you were warned that this was coming. Every single spiritual book foretold of the changes. Did you think that meant you, now?? Well it did. You - now - here !???

I was married to a guy who wouldn't talk about it, ever. This spiritual stuff doesn't apply to him, he would not give it any attention ever. Well, that's not working. This is effecting his money and his livelihood in big big ways and he, underneath the denial and the head in the sand thing, KNOWS IT FOR SURE! He may not have been willing to see it but he is sure feeling it.

Listen, it is all good, I promise. Be still and breathe and let it happen, be fearless and spend time with all that you truly love and let the rest do it's own thing. Stay out of the way, you are here because you chose to be here, learn about it, embrace it, this is the most amazing Earth upgrade she and we have ever had. It's time now, Namaste' Dr. Su

Monday, October 17, 2011

See Beauty - Be Beauty

In this place it is sometimes challenging to find the beauty in the situation or the person. You are their beauty, you are THE beauty. In this world you can pick up the garbage that you see off the ground, do nothing or add to it. The beautiful thing to do is to pick it and leave that space better. That goes for each person you meet along the way as well. Do you make an effort to not put garbage where there already is garbage. Adding mad to mad, suffering to suffering is not how you fix yourself or anything else around here. Learning how not to inflict your pain on another is the real beauty. Letting go is hard, not reacting harder, especially when someone is in your space or in your face about their troubles.

I get health questions from people, I hear that all day long at my work and I love that, I do not love it when I am not working. I need to play and laugh and sing when I am not working not give health information or hear the woes of those in trouble. I have and am learning to reflect back to those suffering the beauty of my work. I tell them that nature and all her gifts are there to support them in every way. Nourish their body, heal their ills and energize their days. Come and see me for the plan that specifically works for you. I encourage people to think outside the box, I leave them with hope and I get a smile in return.

Be beautiful to yourself, do not give in to the suffering going on around here. Focus on your own awakening. When you see garbage or hear it come from someone's mouth, do NOT add to it. Put a beautiful thought or word in it's place. When we all begin to do that we will shift the energy of our days. Looking to the good and right and healthy and beautiful things that truly surround us all! Good Luck. Dr. Su

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Your Truth is Your Truth

Has anyone ever said they didn't believe your story? When you were little did you get shushed from the tales of your adventures or the details of your nightmares? How about the wrongs you witnessed?

Quiet now, that's enough, ladies aid is adjourned, shut the "front door"! Were you told in so many different ways to quit talking and telling your view, your feelings, your experiences and your desires based all that data. Seen but not heard?? Sometimes not even seen. How did you respond to that?

I tried every which way to respond. Acting out, screaming, crying, moping, tried to run away once, got sick, got hurt, came early, came late, got drunk, got married, got mad, got divorced, went to bed and on and on. I was always looking into the eyes of those around me to see if there was life in there. That disturbed a lot of people. I ALSO said exactly what I thought about what I saw, that disturbed them even more.

My stories of life here, especially my own personal experiences, are my greatest tales to tell. I love to tell my truth, from my personal point of view, which is mine and mine alone. A visionary - a HAWK in every sense of the word. Looking beyond that which appears right in front of my face to the underlying energy and the distances into which it flows, over the hills and into the futures of all of us. We can use our truths to shape our futures into beautiful things.

I have seen abuse destroy the future of many, secrets kept, that tear up the foundations of people. I have seen the grief that destroys any new growth with regret after regret, paving the road walked each day, projecting failure after failure. I have seen the shame of individual perception not fitting the normal view devour the spirit of a child and detour the life path into constant challenge. It is exhausting on a good day.

So what's my point? You are all a story, a great tale filled with adventures and experiences - all culminating in you and your words and your creations. Your truth is worthy, for it is yours and yours alone, to use for your highest good. Do not forget about it - use it, it is a big part of the education of you and worthy, no matter what it was.

Start by re-membering you and all the details of your life. Look into the gifts that they brought through the hard schools of experience. I look back and see through the suffering, which I specialized in and see all the amazing talents I developed because of that. I am an excellent student when I am interested in something. I can ride a horse because the horse of my childhood took me away - fast and far - so I could breathe. Away from my family and all the stress they had, she would carry me. That's my story and I am sticking to it, it is also why I share my 10 horses with people who need that same experience.

Today find a friend and share your truth and listen to theirs. Applaud one another for all the adventures - great or small - hard or easy - celebrate your survival!! Love the chance to share and love what you have accomplished thus far. I do. In unity and oneness we all benefit from each other's stories. Truth is individual to the individual - honor and respect that. This is going to make a great story! Dr. Su

Friday, October 14, 2011

Bach Flowers ease the transition

I love homeopathy, it is useful in so many ways, here's one I love. Knowing what to do and doing it, two different things!

Losing weight, losing friends, losing money, whatever you are losing or just plain letting go of, Bach flowers ease the tension and facilitate the shift. I have seen them change lives and save lives, literally.

Acute Rescue should be available to everyone, for any trauma or injury, physical, spiritual or emotional, it is right on.

Cherry Plum for those on edge - ready to jump.

Willow to move away from pain and resentment - the why me???

Star of Bethlehem to let the death of whatever, be ok.

Clematis for the dreamers here to help this crazy place.

Pine for the shame and guilt others want us to have and feel.

Holly for the angry among us to chill out. There's 36 total choices.

We can do a Bach flower consult for $25 plus the remedy at $16.50 a bottle, appt takes about 15 minutes and man will it help!!! Here's to Dr. Bach, thanks pal, Susan

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Whew glad that's over

WOW, what a time this has been, so much upheaval, so much changing and so much not. I really felt battered on the rocks for a while. Seems as though what I thought I wanted changed every two seconds. Here, there, when and how always shifting like balls being juggled. Now you see them now you don't! I am a faithful human in every way, I am crazy for the belief that all is well and improving, I truly know that for sure, yet as I feel the shift I really feel it.

Did you do your best? I think I did in most things. I could have done a little better in s few areas but I love my work and my life and my family and friends and that is all that really counts here. I have recently learned not to give in to bullies in any way, shape or form and I have met a few, I also been one.

This world needs to adjust itself, I am all for that. To do that we must all adjust ourselves too. So if you are doing your very best - keep up the good work, if not - adjust yourself. Start over again with a clean slate. Say your sorry if you know you are. Say you'll do better if you know you will. If not keep on moving. It is time. Namaste' Dr. Su

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pain pain go away

I have seen more pain and felt it in my bones more lately than I ever thought there was out there. People are truly in pain. They are sick and broke and super sad. The kids are a real mess and they are at their wits end. I do not blame them a bit. How desperate do we need to get to just find faith?

In working with these kids I see the rage and fear their parents feel. My kid is angry, sick, crazy, addicted and so it goes. They holler at every one, they want everyone to know how miserable they are and what a dirty trick life is playing on them. They blame the system, the world, you and even God for all the trouble in their lives. They also sit around and wait to be saved.

Let me throw you a bone. There will be no saving by anyone but you. YOU and only YOU!! You chose every single detail that you experience here. No ONE ELSE did anything to you ever, you attracted it. There is no such thing a unaccountability. No free ride. If you eat garbage food you will look and feel like garbage, the creation of someone else's mind. If it comes in a form not found in nature you risk becoming that form. Vaccines morph you, food morphs you, drugs morph you. PERIOD.

Now for the good news. The HGH that comes from your brain that develops you from a sperm and egg into a healthy baby, still exists and pulses within your body, every single day until you die. Focus on what you want to be, have and look like. Use your natural resource to make that a reality. Find the picture of you and life in your mind and own it. If it needs morphing then pray for a more beautiful picture.

As a child I saw kids morph into angry and ugly at the prodding of others. They gave in to the opinions that were thrown their way. Parents tell kids all the time that they are broken or at risk or should be or do better in some or every way. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! Listen only to your own opinion, run from those who do not share your good views and positive outlooks. That means doctors, lawyers and teachers will soon be without clients. Find a coach to cheer you on. Become each other's fans!! You can do it I know you can, be beautiful and healthy and successful - it really is your choice. Start by cheering someone else on and feel the boomerang effect on your own life.

Monday, October 10, 2011

To know is to be able to say NO

I love words, they create everything around us. They are our vehicle for our breath to form into creation. Like "Let there be LIGHT" and whoosh and there was light here, and then matter and then us. We have the same capacity to use words to create our own field, and if someone believes the words spoken to them, their field too. I have KNOWN that for a very very long time. I hated knowing that for awhile, when I wanted to never know or say no.

There is a time to sow and then comes the time to reap. We are currently reaping alot of sown words. My own words have come back at me many times like a boomerang and wham!! Iknow, I know, I know.

Noing and knowing, think about that. I know I am safe and loved and will always be in the right place at the right time. I no now to anything negative here. It took me awhile to stand up for that. The cursing of one's life or another's is something I am noing to now. If someone says something negative - I KNOW, then I NO and move off. They can be left alone in their own KNOWING and negativity of the NO's they still live with.

Know for sure that you are perfect in every way, learning and growing everyday. Your words create your reality, BE SPECIFIC!! Say what you want and will have, it is immediate and in your space now. Friendship, money, love, purpose, whatever you need say it, cursing someone will only curse you. If you have, ask for forgiveness and take it back and let it go from the field. It is your responsibility, you are accountable for every single word you have ever uttered or spoken out loud or under your breath. Look around is that the world you choose now??? The lack and less and loss here is our creation, the toxicity and pollution and manipulation are also a part of that matrix, start by changing your words, the spoken words and the listened to words. It is time now to grow up and KNOW!!!! I love us all very very much and it will turn out perfectly and a little better then that!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Really, just say NO

I hear all the time about doctors that bully their patients. I hear about lawyers that take all your money and then want even more. I hear about judges that do what lawyers tell them to not what justice would. I also hear about preachers who tell their people to behave in certain ways and then do not do it themselves. I see food being sold and bought because someone said it was the cool food in the cool box with the best prize. It is so interesting that we have that happen in our lives. Where do we get the strength to just say NO. Really just plain NO.

If I told you you were going to die soon and in a painful way would you accept that? Or if I said I was going to take your money and use it for me, even though it is yours would you say ok to that?? How about if I would publicly humiliate you or talk behind your back to your friends and hurt you in their eyes, would that be OK???

It is time now to simply say no thanks. You have every right to do that, you always did, you may have just forgotten. If the thought or idea of what is being presented gives you pause, makes you sad or sick or stressed in any way, take that as your cue to wait before you say anything at all. Just cause they ask or try, doesn't mean you have to give an answer right then.

When offered a drug, take it under consideration, study it, talk to friends about it, pray on it, then get back to your physician with your answer. If someone tells you up front that you should or must do what they want you to, right there is a good time to say no thanks. Hiring people who you can agree with in your heart and mind is the key here. That includes politicians and tax collectors.

We must begin to love our own ideas, your mind is a beautiful thing, use it!! Make up your mind to take really good care of you. Say yes to self, first and every single time, yes, yes, yes. It is make the no's you are going to need to say easier.
Here's to the yes's of life - love, light and laughter!! Namaste' Dr. Su

Friday, October 7, 2011

Easy does it

I know how hard we try. We want it now and later will simply not do. We look around and wonder why we are still alone in our thoughts, our recovery and on our road. No one in sight in any direction. Pain and loss everywhere we look. WOW!

Easy does it, really, I am not joking. You are all fine, believe it or not. You were never alone, believe it or not and you and I have walked hand in hand all along although my eyes could not see you. I knew in my heart you were there.

Invisible to each other, something true about that huh? Why can't you feel my pain, or why can't you see me and save me? I can and I do, as you do me. You are completing your part of the lesson, just as I am doing what I promised to do too. All parts of the ONE whole. I am a very good pair of eyes. I see a lot. I see energy and I see beyond the next hill easily and without much real effort. You may be the foot or the hand or even the heart. My partner is my arms. I see them and want them to use as I would have had they been mine all along. In the truth of this, they were. I have just remembered that in the last few years.

Easy does it. Take it in as you would delicious chocolate. Savor this experience as it is rare and so amazing. So much so that 7 billion souls are here to experience it. WOW! It is all good and improving, Namaste' Dr. Su

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Avatars come and go

The bright lights that are inherent in some people are from far away places. The Avatars that have graced the Earth are here to share such wonderful things as technology and healing and community. They are those who have volunteered to offer upgrades in the darkest of times on this planet. Jesus was one of those guys. His Mother Mary was one too. DaVinci brought a lot of ideas and so did Steve Jobs.

Sometimes we think we are so smart and then someone shows us a quicker, easier, better, more efficient way of doing something, those are gifts from the Universe and it's Creator. I marvel at what we have yet to embrace as I know from what has already been gifted to us that what is coming is pure magic. We have given in to sick and broke and lonely and separated for way too long. It is time to get connected to one another. Support each other in love and light, be honest without causing pain, be there in spirit and support even if you don't like it, love the person and the lessons they are living. Every lesson is a benefit for all to learn from.

I have seen people die for what I think are silly reasons. I know though that all is well and improving and that there are NO silly reasons in the larger scope. Kids will die to save their parents, cracking open very hardened hearts with their deaths. I know that watching someone go down the roads of disease and disaster gives me pause and inspires me to take a different route. I do not need to do what others have proved to cause destruction, of self or this world and her inhabitants. Earth is morphing, very very quickly now, many will leave and new light beings will appear, pay attention, enjoy their gifts and say thanks for all they bring. Celebrate their life and contributions and know they are home again celebrating their success too!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One piece of land - do it well

Vladamir Megre, the author of The Ringing Cedars talks in his story about saving the world for our families in a healthy nourishing way, one acre at a time. The questions are raised like, why do rational humans put toxic food and water into their organic bodies. It is the definition of crazy, doing one thing and expecting a different result.

I love the simple philosophy of healing in such a simple way. Start with you and your yard, if you have one. Your garden could be in your window with simple herbs. Your use of what is clean and good and healthy is what you will benefit from. Your world, not theirs. Their world is not your choice. You must stop looking at what is wrong, that perpetuates the energy. Begin looking at what is right and nurture it. That is the ONLY way to fix this.

Every single one of you has choices every single day, all day long. Find the parts of your life that are right and nurture and nourish that ONLY and begin to change your whole environment. It starts with a seed, an idea, a philosophy. PERIOD. Stop looking for what is wrong and in need of fixing, it puts criticism and negativity and fear into our world. Look at what works and keep it alive, use your words!! Compliment it, share it and love it up, that means everything.

Find ONE thing today that you want to keep around and tell it so, feed it, pet it, share it, spend time with it, whatever it takes. Let's see what happens now.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Find worthy

What areas in your life were you told you were not worthy of it all, the best of what the issue has to offer, the best health, the best relationship, the best job, the best friend and on and on. I have heard recently that my belief in the best outcome is hopelessly optimistic! I love that, but I would change it to hope-FULLY optimistic. I am a true believer in the best of everything, knowing that whatever it is I can find the good stuff.

I know now more then ever before that good comes from following the light in the openings where I see it flicker. I can see it in your eyes, in your actions, in the weather. I call it dutch-boy pants, when blue sky peeks through the clouds and can wish it into a bigger brighter blue sky. That is all it takes, ever.

I chase rainbows, and love to. They are the promise of something good to come, that there will be no more trouble or sorrow. The sun will send that flicker of light through the falling rain and WHAM there it is, right before your eyes, that promise again. Seeing is believing for humans. So now, everyone let's see the light, the rainbows and the potential that you have kept hidden all this time. It is your time now. Hopefully optimistic is the name of the game, generous and kind and self loving is the direct action. You are the promise of a new and better tomorrow!! Namaste' Dr. Su

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Winds of change bring winds of fortune!

Some times it takes a storm to stir things up enough to blow away the debris hiding the hidden beauty and potential. When a fire rages or a tornado whips around we see the drama, we get a little freaked out and we begin to pray. Funny how it takes a storm to initiate a prayer, especially a fervent one.

Loss of life and property seem to move us to higher ground. WHY does it take that kind of energy to change us???? I think it is because we are not trained on how to manage our lives and resources in balance, daily. Someone else has been telling you what to do, how to do it and when. Here, take two and call me in the morning! That's what a lot of people are getting now, meds, meds, meds and no real help. If I see a kid on meds I know that is what they were taught by those responsible for teaching them stuff as they grew up. Martini's and affairs and secrets and do as I say, DO NOT EVEN look at what I do, have been a lot of the advice given to them. Then of course we criticize them for their weaknesses and poor choices. How crazy is that?

I, for one, choose now to avoid the storms, I will pray each day fervently for balance in all things, and a gratitude that matches it. PERIOD.

Then I will celebrate that realization by noticing it in everything great or small. NUFF SAID.

Here's to a very Libra October - one filled with harmony, love, justice and balance for all. Namaste' Dr. Su